Page 16 of The Best Friend

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A boyish excitement crosses his face. “Dinner it is.”

He slips his fingers through mine, even though I still have evidence of my day’s work all over it, and leads me to the kitchen, but he stops by the door and turns to watch the finished ceramic items by the mahogany table. He lets go of my hand and takes a blue and white mug, inspired by the sky.

Tristan flashes me a crooked smile and kisses my temple. “This is beautiful, Bun. It’s awesome. You’re awesome.”

I’m not ashamed to admit that I get off on his praises. “Thank you, Tris. Admire them all you want because when you start your new job next week, you’ll barely be able to breathe.”

He winces and takes my hand again. “Please don’t remind me.”

“It’s a good thing the house is big enough to accommodate my kiln. That way, I’ll always be here when you get home.”

His forehead furrows, and he runs his thumb along my jaw. “Bun, what do you even mean? You are my home.”

And I melt into a puddle on the floor. I must have saved a thousand lives in my past life. What else did I do to deserve this man?



“How does it feel to finally complete your fellowship training?”

My mouth curls upward. “Like I finally belong. Like I’m finally on the same level as every other doctor.”

“You deserve it.”

“And it wouldn’t have been possible without you. I love you, Bun. Thanks for all the sacrifices you made.”

She runs her hands along my chest before wrapping her arms around my neck. “And I’d do it over and over again. I love you too, Tris. We’re partners, and we’re in this together. Always.”

My breath coasts over her lips before I kiss her, my whole body coming alive under her touch. My hands grope her ass as my tongue invades the hollow of her mouth. She leans into me, and I swallow every sound she makes.

“I was under the impression you have food in this house, not that I’d walk in on you two trying to eat each other’s faces.”

Allie and I spring apart, warmth blooming on my skin. It’s like we’re two high school kids caught in the act of doing something they shouldn’t, instead of two grown adults who are fucking married, with two kids, and making out in our own house. I’m throbbing with need, and I can’t say I’m excited about this interruption.

Allie flicks a strand of hair from her forehead and smiles. “Hi, Gram. You didn’t tell us you were coming.”

“Finn called me. He said you had lasagna and garlic bread rolls.”

Finn is our firstborn, a five-year-old boy who already knows he has Gram wrapped around his little finger. He recently learned how to call on the mobile phone, and he’d been calling almost everyone on Allies’ contact list—usually me and Gram.

“What? We don’t.” Realization dawns on Allie and she purses her lips together, huffing out a breath. “Oh, that boy. Finn has been hounding me for lasagna and garlic bread rolls since last week.”

Gram rounds her and points an accusing finger. “And you didn’t feed him? You didn’t give him what he wanted?”

Allie pins her with a look of pure frustration. “Gram, the kids never go hungry. Also, you were the one who hammered it in me that I couldn’t always have everything I wanted. Tristan and I try not to spoil the kids.”

“Allison, it’s food. Finn isn’t asking for a thousand-dollar toy.” Gram swivels to me. I love my wife, I really do, but it’s never fun being caught between these two. “You call Carlo. Tell him we want a tray of lasagna, some garlic bread rolls, and Tiramisu.”

I touch the base of my neck and swing my gaze from my wife to Gram. “Who’s the Tiramisu for?”

Gram doesn’t even bat an eye. Instead, she squares her shoulders and stands with her arms akimbo. “Mine.”

“You have maintenance meds for your blood sugar.”

Gram tilts her head. “So?”

Jesus. Here we go again. Heaving a sorrowful breath, I tell her, “So as your doctor?—”
