Page 11 of The Best Friend

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“Really, Tristan? Are we gonna pretend I don’t know how much your model airplane collection costs? Or the airshow trips a couple of times a year?”

He smirks and pulls me in for a kiss that leaves me breathless, my knees almost giving way. “Damn, Bun. There really is nothing you don’t know about me.”

“I didn’t know you had feelings for me. I assumed, but I wasn’t 100% sure.”

“So what if I said no to your indecent proposal?”

I pinch his arm, which is useless because it’s like pinching a stone. “Then, I would’ve played it off as a joke, went home to Gram, and cried while watching ‘The Notebook.’”

“That’s a seriously awful movie.”

“Okay, we’ll save that conversation for later, but did you want to say no?”

He rears back, like I hit him, and scowls. “Say no to pounding your pussy? Not a chance.”

I pull his sleeve, darting my eyes to the nearest people, wondering if they’ve heard. “Keep your voice down! Someone might hear.”

“Yeah, you started it at your studio earlier.”

I give him the death stare, but he only laughs and pulls me to his side, and we continue walking to his car.

I cast him a sidelong glance. “I never expected you to be like this.”

“Like what?”

“Like last night.”

“What about last night?”

I gesture wildly with my hands. “All of it. I didn’t expect you to be that wild … in bed or that good with dirty talking.”

“Is that an issue for you, Bun?”

“No! I like it. I like it a lot.”

“So why do you look like that? Like you’re conflicted about something?”

“It’s just that … we turn into different people when we’re in bed,” I say that last part in a whisper, barely opening my mouth.

Tristan just shrugs and kisses the top of my head. “That’s passion for you. Tell me whatever you’re not comfortable with, and I’ll stop doing that.”

“Bold of you to assume there’s gonna be a next time.”

He smirks. The ass. “Bold of you to assume I’m talking about sex.”

“You are!”

“What if I meant us in general? Like you’re not comfortable with me paying for your shopping and stuff, which is too bad. Vanessa did say she’d have a new jewelry collection next month. I would offer to pay, but…”

“You think I’m gonna beg for you to pay?”

“I never said that.”

“You’re right. I will beg. I love them so much, and they fit my aesthetics.” Tristan’s shoulders shake with laughter. “Vanessa is also a brilliant jeweler, and she’s super nice, and she understands the look I’m going for. I’m gonna need to sell a hundred limited edition mugs and plates to pay for one set.”

We’ve been walking for a few minutes, and I can already spot his Camry. This is just one of the things I love about Tristan. I can talk to him about anything and everything. He’s never boring to be with, and I’m always guaranteed a good time.

And that’s precisely why I was hesitant about making the first move myself. I was terrified of risking the easy camaraderie between us. I knew if I lost him, I’d never find anyone else like him. I could search the world ten times over, and nobody would come close.
