Page 5 of Kindred Spirit

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Nolan’s male cousin smiles, amusement sparkling in his violet blue eyes. Oh yeah, they are definitely related.

The female cousin hops up and sits on the banister with perfect grace and balance, her pleated skirt resting just below her knees. Lightly swinging her legs back and forth, she shakes her head, her straight, waist -length hair swishing with the movement. “I highly recommend getting out of bed and getting dressed, dear cousin. Grandmother Dalia wants to see you, and trust me, you don’t want her coming up here and catching you with a girl in your bed.”

“She does frown upon disregarding protocol,” the male cousin comments with a chuckle and then crosses his arms over his broad chest. “And the last thing you want is a dressing down from Grandmother. She’s… precise in her criticisms.”

“Your grandmother sounds… charming,” I croak out with a pained smile while kicking Nolan’s shin with my heel. For the love of the goddess, wake the hell up!

“Ow! What?” Nolan demands, sitting up and rubbing the sleep from his eyes. He’s still shirtless, and the blankets cover the fact he’s wearing sweatpants underneath.

My cheeks burn under the entertained scrutiny of Nolan’s cousins. “Like I said, you have guests.”

Nolan squints at them. “Who the hell are you?”

“I’m Kaven,” the male cousin says, pointing at himself, “and this is my sister, Ellessa,” he gestures to the girl on the banister, and she waves. “We’re your aunt Violet’s children.”

“Well, we’re some of them,” Ellessa supplies distractedly, running her fingers through her brother’s hair. “Rose, Scarlet, Lovely, and Antony are all still at Rykeworth until the summer holiday.”

“You have a sibling named Lovely?” The question trails off as I watch Kaven lean into his sister’s touch, a pleased smile pulling at the corners of his mouth. They are… close.

Ellessa sighs, as if life is a cruel game. “Yes, and she lives up to her name. She’s like a perfect little doll who charms everyone she meets.” One of her hands tightens on the banister, while the other slides out of her brother’s hair and grips his muscular shoulder. “She’s everyone’s favorite.”

“Not everyone’s,” Kaven soothes, resting his hand on top of hers and giving it a light squeeze.

She gives him an indulgent smile, hops off the banister, and pecks him on the cheek. “I have to be your favorite,” she teases lightly. “I’m your twin. It’s a requirement.”

“Twins. Cool,” I chirp, my voice sounding overly bright to hide how incredibly awkward I feel.

“Twins and half-siblings,” Kaven clarifies, sounding oddly proud for essentially announcing that they were conceived via three-way—not that I have any room to judge.

My cheeks burn as my thoughts drift to that night with Nolan and Donovan. As I told Nolan, I don’t regret doing it, but it feels like I leaped into the deep end unprepared. Now, I’m furiously paddling back to shallow waters where it’s safe and I know what I’m doing. Well, as much as I ever know what I’m doing.

“Cousins,” Nolan drawls, looking at them like he dodged a bullet when his parents were exiled. “As exciting as it is to meet you, you’ve done your job. I’m awake. Now get the hell out of my room.”

“Grandmother said we were to escort you downstairs,” Ellessa states, crossing her arms. She juts out her chin stubbornly while her steel blue eyes narrow.

“I don’t give a shit,” Nolan snaps, leaning over me as if to protect me from his cousins’ prying gazes. “I don’t know you, and there’s no fucking way I’m letting you see my girlfriend half naked. Leave!”

I know it’s silly, but my heart flutters when he calls me his girlfriend. Technically, he’s called me that before, but we were pretending then to keep the hounding masses of Twin Cedar Pass High School at bay. Now, it’s real.

Ellessa looks scandalized, reaching for her neck as if to truly clutch invisible pearls. In a harsh whisper, she states, “You’re in a relationship with your food.”

“The fuck did you just call her?” Nolan growls, about ready to climb over me to throttle his newly discovered relative.

“How about we wait outside for you?” Kaven chimes in, bracing his hands on his sister’s shoulders to turn her toward the stairs. Before Nolan or I can answer, he steers her downstairs and out the door, hissing for her to be quiet when she mutters that Nolan might as well call a sandwich his lover.

Already looking drained, Nolan collapses on top of me and sighs, resting his head on my chest. I gently rub his back, my fingers drifting up and down his spine. He shivers and releases another sigh, this one sounding more at ease.

Kneading a knot at the juncture between his neck and shoulder, I murmur, “So that happened.”

Nolan makes a noncommittal grunting noise, his body growing heavy as he relaxes under my touch. He wraps his arms around me like I’m a giant body pillow he plans to snuggle as he starts drifting toward sleep.

I poke his shoulder. “No going back to sleep. I really don’t want to meet the rest of your family like this because you can’t get out of bed.”

His hand blindly pats for his cell phone on the bedside table. Once retrieved, he squints at the brightly lit screen and scowls. “It’s seven in the morning on a Saturday. Why the fuck is anyone here this early?”

“I don’t know. Why don’t you ask your grandmother when you meet her?” I suggest, trying to wiggle free, causing the soft T-shirt I’m wearing to hike up my stomach.

“Mmm,” he purrs, sliding down my body to place gentle, featherlight kisses against my bare stomach. “This is a much better way to spend my morning.”
