Page 43 of Kindred Spirit

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“That just means you’re at my mercy for once,” I taunt before kissing him, keeping it light. I pull back when he tries to make it deeper. “And just so you know, Oregon has a Romeo and Juliet clause that means as long as we’re within three years of each other, it’s fine. You worry about the weirdest shit.”

“Well, in that case, why are you still talking?” he purrs while relaxing into the bed, the tension draining from his body as the familiar feline smile takes over his features.

Shaking my head, I mutter, “Asshole,” and then I kiss him again. This time it’s slower and more drawn out, relishing the idea of making him beg for more.

He moans softly, and his hands drift to my stomach, his cold fingers searching for hard muscle and warm flesh underneath my shirt.

“Shit,” I hiss against his lips. “Your hands are fucking freezing.”

“Unfortunately, the warmth I get from feeding from Callie doesn’t last long,” he explains, reaching farther up my chest. “Are you going to help me with that or not?”

“I have an idea or two that might warm you up,” I reply, moving to straddle his hips. Kneeling, I take off my shirt, ball it up, and toss it onto the floor. Prepared for the cold, I grab his hands, place them against my pecs, and slowly lead them down my body until he reaches the hard bulge in my jeans. “I have something hot for you to hold right here.”

“You’re so fucking corny.” Nolan laughs, but there’s heat in his ice-blue eyes. Needing no further prompting from me, he unbuttons my pants and teasingly pulls down the zipper that’s straining to come apart.

Leaning down to brace myself on the headboard, my hips pitched forward and level with Nolan’s face, I growl, “Now, take it out and suck on it.”

He shudders under my direction and licks his lips. Reaching inside my boxer briefs, he tugs me free. I suck in a breath against the harsh contrast of cold fingers encircling my hot cock and groan when I’m met with the feeling of his warm, wet tongue running along my length.

“I thought you were supposed to be helping me with my hard-on,” he comments with amusement, stroking me while the head of my dick rests against his lips. “This is going to make it worse, not better.”

“Oh, we’ll get to you,” I assure him, my gaze transfixed on his mouth and the way he rolls his tongue around me before sucking just the tip. “You’re lubing me up.”

His eyes bulge with surprise, and he pulls away but doesn’t release me. “Dude, I don’t think I have the energy for—”

“Not that,” I interrupt, gripping his chin so he’s looking right into my eyes when I explain, “When I take that ass of yours, you’ll be back to your old self so you can fully enjoy it. Something to look forward to.” My voice drops to a deep rumble, and my hand releases his chin to slide into his hair. “Now, get back to sucking my cock like a good little vampire, and trust me to take care of you.”

I meant it sexually, but there’s a hint of softness to his expression that makes me think he took it differently. He’s not wrong. I will do everything in my power to keep him healthy and safe, but right now, I have a real case of blue balls and want to get this shit rolling.

With a devilish smile, he licks the precum off the head of my cock like it’s a damn ice cream cone. The slight tingling sensation from his saliva has me shivering, and when he finally sucks me fully into his mouth, a long, low groan rumbles from my chest.

“Fuck, that feels good,” I praise, my voice deep and gravelly.

With both hands on the headboard, I slowly feed Nolan my cock, rocking my hips in controlled rhythmic thrusts, never deep enough for him to choke on it. He moans, the vibrations feeling fucking amazing around my dick, and it excites me to watch as I slip in and out between his full lips. Though his strength may not be what it used to be, his skill hasn’t diminished. With rolling strokes of his tongue and the perfect suction, rippling electric currents of pleasure radiate from my groin throughout the rest of my body.

Seemingly desperate for more, he grabs my ass with both hands to pull me deeper into his mouth, but he’s finally at my mercy, and I’m more than ready to tease the shit out of him. Instead of giving him what he wants, I pull back, my cock falling free between us. He looks confused, until I take both his hands from my ass, grab them by the wrists with one hand, and pin them to the headboard above his head. Hot desire burns in his eyes as I take my dick with my other hand and purposely paint his lips with my leaking precum. He quickly licks them clean, and I bend down to give him a searing kiss, enjoying the salty taste on his tongue.

For a few minutes, I play with him, feeding him my cock while he’s helpless to do more than open his mouth and take it. It feels so good that I have to fight the urge to skull fuck him, instead keeping my pace slow and giving him plenty of time to take deep, labored breaths before I thrust back into him. My heart pounds in my chest as the pleasure of using his hot, wet mouth overtakes me, and my skin feels too tight over my bones.

“You want more of this?” I ask with a knowing smile, pulling back so he can answer.

He swallows heavily, his eyes blown wide with lust. “Yes,” he pants with a desperate edge, his hips bucking into the air. “I want all of it.”

“Take a deep breath and open wide,” I instruct, the tip of my dick millimeters from his mouth.

When he does as he’s told, I thrust deep, not stopping until I’m buried to the hilt. He struggles against my grip on his wrists as he swallows and chokes on my length. I know that he wants to touch me as much as he enjoys tasting me, and I’ll release him soon, but for now, I relish the feeling of his mouth.

“Fuck,” I moan, the curse coming out in a long, heaving breath. The sensation of his throat constricting around my dick leaves me panting, and my muscles tense under the weight of my approaching climax. As hot as it would be to have him drink me down, I don’t want to come in his mouth, so I pull out quickly with a hissing, “Not yet.”

Nolan has that dazed look of someone who is out of their mind horny while he leans forward to chase my dick, and there’s a part of me that gets off on the fact that blowing me turns him on. When I release him and climb off, he snarls, “Where the fuck are you going?”

“As good as you look choking on my cock, I did promise I was going to take care of you,” I reply with a wicked grin, pushing my pants and underwear down until I’m completely naked in front of him.

He rubs his wrists as his gaze roams over my muscular form, a deep hunger shaping his features. Looking pointedly at my spit slick dick, his voice sounds hoarse as he asks, “What do you have in mind?”

“Let me show you,” I respond, stepping out of my clothes and peeling the comforter back so I can have full access to his body. Gripping his sweats and underwear at his hips, I tug them down and off of his body. His dick springs free, slapping against his belly. He gasps and shakes when I stroke him with a firm grip, lubing him with his own precum. “Ready?”

“Goddamn it, yes,” he growls, thrusting his hips into the air.
