Page 3 of Kindred Spirit

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“Who says I didn’t?” she counters with a husky purr to her voice that causes shivers to run down my spine.

My little warrior witch has come a long way since the first day we met. Long gone is the girl who walked stiffly by my side as I showed her around school with one arm wrapped around her shoulders. I’m proud of her… and hungry for her in every sense of the word. I’m also painfully tired.

It must show on my face, because her expression shifts to one of sympathy. “Oh, I’m sorry. I got carried away. You must be starving.”

“I kissed you,” I remind her while giving her my best stern expression. “And what did I say about apologizing for things that aren’t your fault?”

Callie grins and pulls my face to hers, stamping my lips with a firm kiss. I try to go in for more, but she teasingly pulls away. “Come on, Casanova. Let’s feed you, then you can have as many kisses as you want.”

“Careful what you promise, my love,” I warn with a suggestive smirk. “I’m insatiable.”

Untangling herself from my embrace, she takes one of my hands and leads me back inside. My bedroom is lit up with the soft glow of the bedside lamps, leaving shadows on the walls. Callie must have turned them on before coming outside to find me.

When we reach the side of my massively large bed, she gently pushes me to sit down on the edge of the mattress. I lift a brow when she pulls her shirt over her head, exposing her lacy, pale blue bra, and straddles my lap. She’s come a long, long way.

“What’s with the look?” she asks while wrapping her arms around my neck, a teasing smile pulling at her lips. “It’s nothing you haven’t seen before.”

Resting my hands on her hips, I drink in the girl before me—her golden skin, her soft curves, and the way her breasts swell with each breath. “Doesn’t make the view any less jaw-dropping.” I nuzzle her neck, placing soft kisses as I go. A happy hum vibrates from her throat. “But the look was for how easily you strip in front of me now.”

“How else will I keep blood from staining my clothes?” The words come out in distracted mumbles as my tongue joins the fun.

“If that’s the case,” I purr against her skin, sliding my hands up her spine to finger the back strap of her bra, “we wouldn’t want to stain this, now would we?”

“Nolan Campbell, you wouldn’t be trying to get me naked, would you?” Callie accuses with amusement.

“Me?” I question with false innocence. “I’m just trying to be considerate. I hear it’s difficult to get blood out of lace.”

“I’ve heard that too,” she agrees with a breathy hum.

Placing her hands on my shoulders, she pushes me back onto the bed. The fluffy, black comforter absorbs my fall. Poised over me, she slowly pushes one strap down her shoulder and then the other. She leans down, giving me a view that forces all rational thought from my head.

I swallow heavily, and my heart pounds in excited beats. Saliva pools in my mouth, the memory of her taste dancing on my tongue, while my fingers itch to touch her in all the ways that will make her beg for more.

With her lips close to my ear, she laughs softly. “Nice try. You’re not that messy of an eater.”

The innuendo is there, waiting for me to turn my seductress into a blushing mess—something like it depends on what I’m eating—but I swallow it. Well, most of it. “I could make things messier if you’d like, then take my time licking you clean.”

Callie jolts back up and starts rapidly blinking—a sign she’s lost for words. The expected blush creeps across her cheeks. “I, uh, that won’t… I mean, if you want…”

“Relax.” I chuckle, tugging her back down and wrapping my arms around her. “I’m only teasing you.”

“Sorry,” she mumbles, pressing her cheek to my chest. “I know we haven’t… um, done anything more… uh, well, you know… since that night with Donovan.”

“I don’t know,” I reply cheekily. “You’ll have to refresh my memory.”

She smacks my shoulder with the tips of her fingers. “I’m being serious. Does it bother you that we haven’t…”

“No, it doesn’t bother me,” I assure her, rubbing her lower back.

“It wasn’t that I didn’t like it,” she explains, worry creeping into her voice, “because I did. It’s just…”

“Callie, look at me,” I order as gently as possible. She sits up far enough to look into my eyes, her gaze troubled. “It’s really okay. I happen to like kissing and cuddling.” I leave out the part where I’ve been too exhausted to do more. I don’t like talking about how sick I am. It tends to ruin the mood.

She starts to nod and then frowns, her eyes scanning my face. It’s not in a loving way, more like a doctor looking for all the known signs of a dying patient. She’s cataloging the heavy, purple bags under my eyes, the hollows under my cheeks, the sharp features indicative of starvation, and how I’m so pale that I’m practically blue.

I attempt an unaffected smile, but it feels brittle at the edges—one dark thought away from collapsing. “I’m fine,” I lie.

“Let’s feed you,” she responds in a no-nonsense kind of way while climbing off me. “Lie back against the pillows. I’ll go get towels.”
