Page 83 of Tame Me

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‘Trust me,’ I say softly. ‘She’ll understand what it is youreallywant.’



THENEXTMORNINGwe’re driven to Dunedin in that fancy car with the so-silent-he’s-almost-robotic driver. As every kilometre passes I get more nervous. This is crazy precarious. I desperately want to see Ava before leaving but I’ve no idea how I’m going to explain everything.

‘She doesn’t need to know we’ve been...’

Out of touch? Estranged?I can’t even figure out how to talk about this to him, let alone my younger sister, who I’ve tried to be a solid support to.

Dain doesn’t lift his gaze from the laptop he’s typing on. ‘It’ll be fine.’

I knock on her door and wait while holding Lukas in my arms. I’ve an almost violent urge to run away—I don’t want Ava to feel as if I’ve let her down in some way. As if I’ve made Mum’s mistakes all over again. Dain slings a heavy arm around my shoulders, literally anchoring me in place as if he senses my urge to flee. He steps in close and almost presses me into his side as if sheltering me and Lukas from a cold wind.

‘Stop worrying.’

His breath warms the side of my neck and I shiver and he cuddles me closer still. His heat seeps through my old down jacket and the anxiety inside morphs into something else. I look at Lukas in my arms to hide the sudden emotion sweeping through me. The door opens.

‘Talia?’ It’s a stage whisper at first, then Ava’s voice rises twenty decibels.‘Talia?’

She stares from me to Lukas in my arms then up to Dain, standing tall beside me, then back to me and around the three of us again—a circle of movement and amazement.

‘Surprise...’ I say weakly.

‘Oh, my...’ Ava looks from Lukas then up at Dain again. ‘Oh,my!’

‘May we come in?’ He floors her with his most charming smile.

Gaping, Ava steps back and we file inside her cramped student flat.

‘You’ve been keeping secrets,’ she hisses at me.

‘I know. This is Lukas.’ I pass my baby to his aunt. ‘And his father, Dain.’

Ava melts as she stares down at Lukas. ‘Talia, he’s gorgeous.’

Yep, both of them.

‘How did you—when?’ Ava’s eyes fill with curiosity and reproach. ‘What’s been going on?’

Emotion clogs my throat. At the sight of her displeasure I suddenly feel so guilty. I hadn’t really thought this might hurt her.

‘Talia didn’t want to worry you,’ Dain says gently.

‘I met Dain in Queenstown,’ I say. ‘One thing led to another...’

‘Sure did.’ Ava smiles awkwardly.

‘It was an instant thing,’ Dain says.

He still has his arm around me. He’s playing a part. I play my part too. Only for me it isn’t a pretence. My legs really are like jelly, my heart isn’t just racing, it’s turbulent. The attraction that hit me the moment I first saw him rears from its slumber. But it’s always been there. It never left me and now it’s wide, wide awake.

Ava offers us tea or coffee and apologises for the tiny flat. I’m used to it but I see Dain’s assessing glance around and stiffen. He sees me notice him and simply holds me closer. And that just makes me flustered.

‘You look thinner in the face.’ Ava studies me intently. ‘Are you sure you’re okay?’

I feel Dain’s quick frowning look down. After what happened last night I don’t need him being any more over-protective. ‘It’s just been busy. I’m fine.’

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