Page 98 of One-Night Heirs

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Would he ever get enough of her?

Emmie’s rosy lips suddenly curved, and he knew he’d been caught. He looked up guiltily, but she smiled, her eyes bright.

Something twisted in his heart.

She was just so beautiful, whether in a designer gown, a cheap sundress, or nothing. Naked was his preference.

Two hours earlier, when they were still lazing in bed, Emmie had rolled her eyes when he suggested that for the reception tonight, she wear one of the designer dresses the New York stylist had packed into her trousseau. Reaching for a silk robe to cover her luscious body, Emmie had ducked her head. “Couldn’t we just skip the whole thing?”

“I’m afraid we must go,” he said, a little remorsefully. Rising from the bed, Theo had stretched his limbs with pleasure after hours of lovemaking. “When Celine heard we were in Greece on our honeymoon, she was nice enough to throw us a party. Plus, I want to find out about Paris.”

Emmie’s violet-blue eyes were luminous as she pleaded, “You could go without me.”

Theo frowned, bemused. “Why wouldn’t you want to come? Her father’s house is beautiful, the most glamorous on Thira.”

Instead of looking pleased, her lips sagged at the edges. She whispered, “I won’t fit in.”

“That’s true.” Pulling her close, he’d nestled her body against his own, with only the thin silk of her robe between them. Kissing her neck, he’d gently tugged open the neckline as he whispered, “You’re more beautiful than any of them.”

Her silk brushed against his skin as he’d pulled her back into bed.

Later, as he followed her out of the shower, he found Emmie wet and naked, digging frantically through her heretofore untouched designer wardrobe now hanging in the yacht bedroom’s closet. Surrounded by piles of lovely dresses on the floor, she’d begged him for help.

And he’d given it to her. Oh, how he’d given it to her.

He’d helped her pick out a dress, too.

Now, as their speedboat grew closer to the island, he could make out the magnificent mansion owned by Celine’s father. Built a hundred years before, the classical architecture looked slightly out of place, a miniature Versailles dropped willy-nilly onto a Greek island. Other boats already filled the marina. He saw shadows of people arriving, heard the low hum of music and conversation across the water.

Glancing at his wife, he saw she too was staring at the mansion. Her expression was scared. He squeezed her hand.

“The most beautiful one there,” he repeated.

She flashed him a grateful look, then looked him over in his tuxedo. “You’re not so bad yourself.”

It was full twilight, and the moon had just started to rise, as Theo helped her out of the boat onto the enormous dock, lit up by fairy lights. His gaze raked over Emmie in the sparkling red dress, showing off her sensual shape. So pregnant, so sexy, all woman—

A curse went through his brain. How could he want her again already? he thought with wonder.

The three times he’d made love to her today had been explosive, as always, and yet something had been different. Had it been the sunlight? The sea?

Or was it because, three days ago, for the first time in his life, he’d opened up to a woman and revealed something no one else knew?

His body, which had been so relaxed, suddenly tensed.

Had he made a mistake? Had he told her too much about his past? Had he sounded like he was complaining? Like he was weak? Had he said anything that she could somehow use against him?

And he hadn’t even shared the worst of his past. He couldn’t. Not even with her.

Especiallynot with her.

If Emmie ever knew the truth—

His heart suddenly felt like it was going to explode out of his chest.

She won’t, he told himself. Let the past stay buried. Like their mother’s old locket, now smothered beneath the earth on Lyra.

Theo Papadopolous was gone. He’d been born Theo Katrakis at sixteen, when he came to America and became his uncle’s heir. He was rich and powerful now. No one could ever hurt him. Cold. He was cold. He had no feelings.
