Page 93 of Grumpy Makes Three

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I couldn’t take the time to process the fact that the guys had asked my parents to move onto the property permanently. “Um, sure. I can check it out, I guess.”

“Have the guys walk you back there. It’s dark, I bet.” Mom smiled sweetly. “The kids are going to introduce me and your father to some kind of game thing tonight. We’re all locking ourselves in the game room with snacks and sleeping bags, so don’t try to bother us tonight.”

Alex and Avery cheered and Kendall rolled her eyes. “It’s not that big of a deal.”

“No? Even though I heard Beck is coming?” Joe laughed at the horrified look on Kendall’s face. “What? I hear things.”

“Are you sure you guys want to take on Milo, too?” Jud tapped his fingers on the table in a beat that kept getting faster as the minutes ticked on. “You don’t have to do that.”

“They’re officially our grandkids! We are having a night with them, without any parents, so accept it, Judson.” Mom winked at him. “I don’t know what you four will do without any kids around, but I’m sure you’ll figure something out.”

My face went red as I connected the dots. I like to think I would’ve connected them faster if there wasn’t a haze of lust clouding my thoughts. “Oh. Oh! Okay, yep. I don’t want to think too much about this, but I love you, Mom.”

Jud stood up and pulled my chair out, making a loud screech as it dragged across the floor. “Well, we’d better leave you guys to your anti-parent night.”

“If you need anything, just call.” Joe grabbed the bottle of wine from the table and nodded to my parents. “Not thinking about this at all. Just going to scoot on out of here.”

I went around the table and said goodbye to the kids and my parents, quietly whispering a thank you to my mom. We’d talk about boundaries later.

“Oh, be careful with your butt, honey. Those cactus marks still look a little angry.” Mom leaned over and elbowed Dad. “She’s not going to be careful.”

“Mom!” I stopped by Kendall and gave her a tight hug. “Have fun with Beck tonight. If my parents embarrass you too much, we’ll handle them tomorrow.”

She shrugged. “They aren’t so bad.”

Dad let out a loudwhoopand pumped his fist. “In the land of teens, that’s a rave review! We’re cool!”

Collin gripped the back of my shirt and leaned closer. “Let’s escape this zoo while we still can.”

I kissed Milo on the cheek one more time before nearly jogging to the back door. As soon as we were outside, the sound of grasshoppers and frogs filled the night air and the warmth settled over me like a hug.

“Your parents are fucking crazy.” Collin picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder, slapping the side of my ass not still riddled with angry poke marks. “In the best way. Mostly.”

I laughed as he broke into a run. “Collin! You’re going to hurt yourself!”

“I’m not missing the mark here, am I? Your mom just set us up for a night of sex and debauchery, didn’t she?” Jud sounded amazed. “I love your parents.”

“We’re going to have to talk to them about how involved they are in our sex life.” I pushed myself up so I could look at Joe. “Hey, Joe?”

He looked up at me with a crooked smile on his handsome face. “Yeah?”

“I love you.” I watched his smile stretch wider and felt my heart swell at the pure happiness I could see beaming from him. I remembered thinking a smile looked unfamiliar on his face but that Joe was so far gone.

“You’re trying to get fucked hard, aren’t you?”

I laughed and nodded as best as I could. “I’ve missed you guys so much.”

Collin slowed and I felt the terrain change. “We’re going to show you just how much we missed you, Ada.”

I heard a door swing open and then I felt the temperature change as he carried me inside. As hungry as I was for my guys, I still tried to look around the cottage. “This is huge! I think it’s bigger than the house they have now. They could easily live here and keep the kids some nights, too.”

Collin put me down and grabbed the hem of my shirt. “I don’t care about the cottage, Ada. If this one isn’t big enough, we’ll build bigger. Take your clothes off.”

I held my arms up as he pulled my shirt off and then I shimmied out of my leggings and underwear. I also tossed my bra to the side and stood in front of them, completely bare.

“You got more sun.” Jud raised his eyebrows and inched closer to me. He ran his eyes over my tan lines and then lifted his eyes to mine. “Were you having a day at the beach, sweet girl?”

“Aunt Maxine kicked me out to have sex one afternoon so I went to the beach and laid out.” I bit my lip and held back a whimper when he lifted his hand and lightly ran his fingertip around my nipple.

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