Page 84 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“Is everyone okay?”

He frowned. “Yeah. Of course. I-”

I slammed the door shut and locked it. I realized all at once that I wasn’t ready or willing to face him. I could barely breathe while looking at him and I just needed time. Seeing him standing there, across the country from where he should’ve been was a shock to my system and I was in autopilot as I walked back to the kitchen and sat down.

“Who was at the door?”

“No one.”

“Whatever. Your turn to go first.”

I proceeded to lose the next ten hands.

The next time a knock sounded at the door, I pretended that I didn’t hear it. When Aunt Maxine sighed and got up to answer it, I shook my head and told her to ignore it. Of course, that wasn’t her style so she looked through the front window and whistled.

“Well there’s a fine specimen right there. Is there a reason we’re ignoring him?” She waved and laughed. “Oh, he’s cute. We should let him in.”


“You’re no fun. It’s almost time for you to go on your daily walk, Ada. How do you plan on leaving if you’re avoiding the young man at the door?” She shot me a look. “And you will be leaving.”

“I’ll go out the back.” I knew as well as she did that the back of her property was a death trap. She’d decided to grow cactus out back for some reason and that was where her green thumb thrived.

“Okay, sure.” She sat back down at the table and stared me down. “Why are we ignoring the handsome man at the door?”

“I don’t want to talk to him.”

“You don’thaveto talk. I bet he’d be good for a roll in the hay.” Aunt Maxine grinned. “I guess I could go to Hank’s today if you really need the house. You could stand to loosen up some.”

“You make it really hard to be respectful to my elders some days.”

“And you make it hard for me to get my lady boner up when you’re moping around here like a real sad sack. I’m going to let him in.” She was faster than I expected, especially as I sat there shocked that she’d just used the words lady boner at me.

I heard the door opening behind me and I took off towards the back door without a second thought. That lack of thought sent me out the door and straight into a cactus, shin first. I screamed as I felt the barbs dig into my skin and jerked backwards out of reflex, just to get a different cactus to the ass.

“Well, there you go. The cactus got her. She won’t get far now.” Aunt Maxine appeared in the doorway with Joe behind her. “Oof. That’s going to hurt.”

Joe swore and eased the crazy old woman out of the way. “Jesus, Ada. Is an ass full of cactus needles better than talking to me?”

“Yes!” I cried out as I tried to remove myself from the cactus still attached to my ass. “Aunt Maxine! Do something!”

“What do you want me to do? I’m not a damn doctor.” She scoffed. “Kids today. I’ve got to leave now if I’m going to catch Hank before he puts on his special sock and comes this way. You two do everything but behave!”

“Special sock?” I hated myself for asking even as the words left my mouth.

“Did you know that STIs run rampant in senior citizens? I make Hank wrap it up. No glove, no love. Don’t be silly, wrap your willy. You know?” Her voice grew quieter as she walked away. “Dental dam, yes ma’am.”

“I’m going to ignore that for now. How do I help you?” Joe came closer and the scent of his expensive cologne flirted with my senses.

“Did you put on cologne to come talk to me?” I grabbed his arm once he was close enough and winced as I tried to carefully move forward.

“What? No, I just… I don’t know. Maybe.” He grabbed my waist and lowered his voice. “I’m just going to pick you up. Hold on.”

“No, wait!” It was too late. He’d already picked me up, sending even more cactus needles into the back of my thigh. I cried out and waited for the pain to stop but it just continued burning. Even after Joe put me down inside, I couldn’t stop the pained groans from escaping me. “How did you make it worse? I hate you, Joe. I hate you so much.”

He froze and bit his lip as he studied me. I wanted to take it back, but I didn’t. I needed to remember what he’d done to me and send him away.

“Why are you here?”

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