Page 61 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“It can’t happen while my parents are anywhere near the house. Or the kids. Everyone has to be gone. And I’m going to need a shot of something strong to loosen me up. And if I look like an idiot, no one gets to laugh at me.”

The three of them all turned their heads in unison to stare at me. Finally, Jud broke the silence. “You want this? You want us?”

“I do. I can’t think about it because if I do, I’m going to freak out, but yes. I want this. I want you guys.” I swallowed and ran my hands down my stomach. “Does this mean we’re dating? Or? I don’t know what this means. Is it just sex? If it is, I just want to know ahead of time so-”

“We’re dating. Or together. Whatever you want to call it.” Joe rubbed his jaw and sent a devastatingly sexy smile my way. “It’s not just sex. You already knew that, though.”

I sat next to Jud and nodded. “Okay. We’re doing this. We’re doing the sex plan my parents came up with…”

“That’s a buzzkill.” Collin shook his head. “Maybe we don’t give them credit for this one. And maybe we don’t talk about your parents anymore in regards to our sex life.”

“Sure, sure. That makes sense.” I was still nodding and I had to make myself stop. “Should we talk about favorite positions in the book?”

Jud pulled me into his lap so I was straddling him and kissed me hard enough to leave my lips swollen and red. He stroked his tongue over mine, slid his hand down the back of my shorts, and grabbed a handful of my ass. Nipping my lip before pulling back, he brushed my curls from my face and smirked. “We let it happen naturally, Ada.”

I was breathless as I rocked my hips against his erection. Then I realized what I’d done and gasped. “I’m sorry. I just… I don’t know what’s normal now. Should I not have done that in front of everyone? Or is that what we do now?”

“Ada.” Joe stood up and came over to me, stopping just inches away. He tucked his fingers under my chin and lifted my face to his. “Relax. Do whatever you want to. Nothing is happening right now. Right?”

I nodded. I couldn’t imagine doing something so wild while my parents were in the same state, much less the same estate.

“Alright then. There’s nothing to freak out about. Nothing happens until your parents leave.” He dipped his head low and kissed me. “It won’t suck at all to wait that long, either.”

I smiled at the pained sound his voice took on. Then, I noticed the book was gripped tight in his other hand and took it from him. I flipped through a few pages and stopped at one page that made my body hum. Looking at each of the guys, I flushed and licked my lips. “Page thirty-two. That’s the one.”



Thedaysaftertheconversation in the library were brutal. Every lingering glance, every touch, it all felt like one long tease that was costing me my sanity. My paintings had turned erotic and I had to stop myself from going to Ada’s room every night. The only thing keeping me from sneaking in was her desire to not do anything while her parents were in the house. The only thing keeping me from kicking her parents out of the house was how genuinely great they were.

While I was distracted with thoughts of fucking their daughter, they were proving that they were ready to be grandparents by spoiling the kids. Milo had instantly taken to calling Mandy and Ken grandma and pop. Avery and Alex were amazed at how easily the older couple could embarrass Kendall and send her running to her room. I even thought that Kendall already loved them, too, despite her insistence that they were trying to ruin her life by asking her about safe sex. I’d seen her smiling when Ada referred to her and Ken as The Kens.

I knew Collin and Joe were suffering just as much as I was. We’d all obsessed over page thirty-two until it was burned into our brains. We knew page thirty-two and we wanted page thirty-two. It hadn’t taken the three of us to go from unsure and a little weirded out by the idea of sharing Ada in bed to wanting it so badly that our hands ached from trying so hard not to grab her.

Ada moved around the house steadily, floating between the kids and her parents. When she slowed down, though, I could see the way her eyes always moved back to us. She was suffering as much as we were. That was why it shouldn’t have surprised me when she reached out and grabbed my arm to tug me into one of the guest rooms. She was wound just as tightly as we were.

The door slammed shut when she shoved me against it and then her mouth was on mine, hot and needy. She moaned into my mouth and tugged at my lower lip with her teeth before pulling back and yanking my shirt up and over my head.

I grabbed her ass and picked her up, ready to fuck her against the door right then and there. Before I could turn her around, though, she pushed me away and grinned up at me.

“My parents are taking the kids to the movies tonight. It’s a long one.” That was all she said before she opened the door and vanished.

I glared down at my dick and willed it to settle down so I could chase after the little tease who’d just killed any hopes I had of working the rest of that day. It’d been too many long days and nights of dreaming about getting my hands on Ada again for my dick to be a willing participant in anything I wanted that wasn’t getting inside of Ada as soon as possible.

When I could finally leave the room without showing off the tent in my pants, I trailed through the house and swore when I heard Joe shouting Ada’s name from somewhere else. I headed his way and found him and Collin both standing at the bottom of the front stairs, frustrated looks on both of their faces.

Collin looked at me and growled. “If you see Ada, avoid her like the plague. She’s not playing nice today.”

I grunted. “Yeah, I experienced her torture myself.”

Joe paused and I watched as his face went slack and then shifted into something resembling a starving wolf. “Her parents are going out with the kids tonight.”

My brain slowly caught up with the rest of my body. “Oh.Oh.”

Collin ran his hands over his head, leaving his hair frazzled. “I don’t think I can make it.”

“Since you’re all standing around instead of working, how about you come to the lake with us?” Ada stood at the top of the stairs in a swimsuit that made my mouth water. It was a white one-piece with cut-outs that had me holding my breath as she moved, hoping the material would move just a bit more to either side so I could get a glimpse of her body.

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