Page 51 of Grumpy Makes Three

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Groaning, I put my head back on the countertop. “No! I’ve always been a good employee. Until them. Now, I think I might be a monster.”

“It seems the Carrington brothers have a thing for bossy women, huh? I could be bossy.” She grinned at me when I looked up and narrowed my eyes. “What? If you don’t want them, someone else surely will. Those men are fine, Ada. Capital F fine.”

“Thank you. This has been a giant help. You’ve clarified everything for me.” I groaned again and forced myself to my feet. I’d walked over and I had to walk back but I didn’t feel like it. I felt like throwing myself a pity party instead. My parents were coming. It could only end in disaster. “I’m going. I’ll see you later, okay?”

“Text me if anything changes! I need to live vicariously through you!”

I waved goodbye and slowly made my way back to the mansion. I was almost at the garage entrance when Joe walked out, a frown on his face as usual. When he saw me, though, his lips tilted up in the slightest smile and my stomach erupted in butterflies.

“Hey. How was your walk?”

I locked my fingers together behind my back and rocked forward on my toes as I answered. “It was good. Not super helpful, but good. Where are you off to?”

“Walks are supposed to be helpful?” His eyes moved down my body and back up. “I was going to run to my office, the one in the city, but I could be talked out of it.”

“Am I hearing this correctly? The great Joe Carrington is offering to blow off work for once? Are you sick?” I reached up to feel his head and laughed when he batted my hand away and wrapped his arms around my waist, catching me against his body.

“One, I’m glad you think I’m great. Two, I’m willing to blow off work if the price is right.” He quirked an eyebrow at me and his slow smile was so sexy that I nearly melted on the spot.

I licked my lips, which were suddenly desert dry, and swallowed down the urge to say ‘yes, please’. “So all those times I tried to get you to come to family stuff and you wouldn’t, all I had to do was name the right price?”

His hand dipped low, his fingers rested on the swell of my ass. “I plead the fifth.”

“Well, then, I plead you can go to the office by yourself. I have to go get Milo from Jud anyway. Have fun, though.” I stretched up to kiss him on the cheek but he shifted at the last second and our mouths connected. As soon as they did, it was like fire scorching its way down my spine.

Joe held my ass in one hand and gripped the back of my head with his other and took my mouth in a heated kiss that promised so much. He growled against my lips and then he was walking me backwards until my back hit something hard and I was pinned.

I arched into him and wrapped my leg around his hip, already consumed by my desire for him. Then, the sound of a car horn exploded through my brain and I pushed Joe away like he was contagious.

He shot me a dark look before looking over his shoulder and swearing. “Fuck.”

“Oh, my god! If you’re going to do that, do it inside where all my friends can’t see it!” Kendall sounded pissed off and I was immediately terrified that I’d just done irreparable damage to our bond. “Wait. Ada? Dad! You’re making out with Ada?! That’s cool, I guess.”

I glanced around Joe’s shoulder and cringed. There were at least six teen girls watching and laughing. Kendall leaned back in the car and kissed the girl in the front seat on the mouth before closing the door and walking towards me and her father.

I grabbed her as soon as she was close enough. “Was that…?”

She nodded, cheeks going darker red than I’d ever seen. “Um… I’m going to go up to my room and pretend I didn’t see my dad making out with someone. Bye.”

I tugged her in for a quick hug and shook her a little. “I’m so happy for you, Kenny. Tell me everything later?”

She glanced at her dad and nodded before running into the house. The door slammed and I turned to Joe, not sure what to expect. He’d just seen his daughter kiss a girl and I was pretty sure he had no idea she was gay.

His face was pinched in anger. I prepared myself to hear something terrible and got ready to fight to my firing for Kendall. Joe turned away from me and paced the driveway in front of the garage. “Was that her first kiss? Has she been kissing people? She’s a kid! Jesus, she’s kissing people. I think I’m going to have a stroke. I’m not ready for this.”

I didn’t even realize I was smiling at him like an idiot until he stopped pacing and glared at me. I charged him and wrapped him a tight hug, even though my arms wouldn’t reach all the way around him. I pressed an embarrassing amount of kisses to his face and only pulled back when he wasn’t frowning anymore.

“What the hell was that?” He was fighting a smile and even made a big show of wiping his face.

“You’re not so bad after all, Joe.”

“You’re nuts. One of these days I’m going to wake up and you’re going to be standing over me with a clown mask and a bat. You’re way too fucking happy all the time and you don’t make any sense. You’re so goddamn bossy and everyone around you just listens because you smile that pretty little smile at them and you’re driving me crazy. You know that?” He growled out the words and then studied my face like he thought he’d hurt my feelings. When I just kept smiling, he shook his head. “You’re absolutely nuts. I have to go.”

I kissed his cheek one more time and then backed towards the house. “See you later, Joey.”

He paused. “Unless you want to…”

I laughed and shook my head. “I’m busy, Joey. We can’t all take so much time off of work, you know?”

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