Page 31 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“You came to me first?” The question hung between us, Jud’s rough voice sending a wave of heat over my body.

I didn’t know what to say so I waved again and then hurried away. It wasn’t my finest moment but I’d gotten what I needed. Who cared if I embarrassed myself during the acquisition?

I went to Collin next and let myself into his office, something I knew irked him. I closed the door behind me and smiled sweetly as I crossed to his desk. He was on the phone so I sat across from him and waited somewhat patiently. After a few seconds, he hung up and frowned at me. “Before you get cranky with me, let me tell you a few things. Okay?”

He sighed. “Go ahead.”

“It’s Saturday night. You’re not an old man. Your boys have been talking about your game day all week. We’re having a movie night tonight and your presence is required.” I stood up, so excited that I couldn’t just sit down.


I held up my hands. “Don’t say no! Please.”

He grunted and tossed his pen down. “You’re not going to leave me alone unless I agree, are you?”

I shook my head. “I’m not. I really want this for the boys.”

“Fine.” He rolled his shoulders. “I was just finishing up anyway. Do I have time to change?”

I took in his suit and made a face. “I assumed that was just your skin. You have other clothing?”

“You saw me in swim trunks.”

I smiled before I could stop myself. “Yes, I did. Big fan. Now, come on. You have five minutes. Okay?”

His lips twisted into a devilish smirk. “How big of a fan?”

“See you in just a few minutes, Collin. Don’t be late.” I hurried out of there and stood in the hallway for just a moment to catch my breath. Flirty Collin was dangerous.

I knew Joe’s door would be locked so I lifted my fist to knock but he pulled it open before I could connect. I gasped in surprise and he grumbled something under his breath before shifting aside to let me in.

“I saw you coming this way and figured I’d avoid you making a scene like you normally do.” He sighed as he went around his desk and sank into his chair. “What do you want, Ada?”

“How’d you see me coming? Your creepy cameras?” I edged my way around to his side of the desk and leaned against it as I checked out his computer screen. Hitting the button that I knew switched cameras, I scrolled through and only stopped to show Joe that his brothers were both on the move. “See that? They’re both going to the theater room. Want to know why?”

He didn’t answer. He just looked at me, standing beside him, and frowned.

“We’re having a family movie night. Your brothers both agreed.” I paused to see if he’d volunteer his presence, but of course, he didn’t. “I’d like it if you came, too. You are a member of the family, after all.”

He huffed. “A shitty one, according to you and my daughter.”

I turned to face him completely. “Are you going to let that keep you from hanging out with your family?”

He shook his head and shot me a look that was pure frustration. “Did you ever stop to think that I’m busy? You just come in here with plans you’ve made up out of nowhere and expect me to fall in line?”

“I promise I’ll be just as excited about any plans that you might make.” We both knew he wasn’t going to make any plans. That was part of the issue.

“I’m busy, Ada.”

“It’s Saturday night, Joe.” I grinned at the way he looked even crankier. “Come on, Joe. Please? You deserve time with your family, just like they deserve time with you.”

His eyes darkened and he turned in his chair so I was framed by his legs. “I didn’t know you could say please.”

I knew that my face and chest had gone blood red. I pretended to rub my cheeks like that was the real reason they were red. “I can say please. Is that what you need? You need me to say please?”

His teeth sank into his bottom lip as he studied me. I felt like we were on the verge of something that shouldn’t happen but I still stood there, waiting for it. As if it never happened, though, Joe turned back to his desk and dismissed me. “I’ll try to make it.”

I let out the breath I’d been holding. “It’s going to start in a few minutes, Joe. Okay?”

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