Page 13 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“Wow. I think my dad dislikes you as much as he dislikes me.” Kendall smirked. “That’s saying something.”

My heart lodged somewhere in my throat and I immediately swore I’d kick Joe’s ass before I left his amazing mansion. Turning so I could create a small bit of privacy between us, I lowered my voice. “We ride again tomorrow.”

She frowned. “What?”

I sighed. “I just mean… If you want in on finding great oranges for your dad and uncles, you’re invited. While I’m sure your dad likes and loves you, it’s still good to have a little fun during your summer break.”

Her eyes lit up. “Oh, yeah. Oranges. I’m in.”

David’s face suddenly appeared right next to ours. When I yelped, he swatted my arm with a kitchen towel. “You touch my food again and I’ll toss you out myself. Understand me?”

“Fine. You didn’t have to scare me, though.” I glanced back at Milo in time to see him trying to stand up on the stool. I scooped him into my arms as I climbed to my feet. “We’re going down to the beach to hunt for driftwood this morning. Want to come?”

“No. I still don’t want to do that. Find me later, though.” Grabbing her untouched plate, Kendall flashed a quick smile at me before vanishing into the depths of the mansion.

I turned to David and did a little dance. “Did you see that? She smiled. That feels like a win.”

He rolled his eyes. “Sure. I didn’t even know her lips moved that way, so good job.”

I left breakfast feeling pretty proud of myself. Maybe I was a great nanny. Then I thought of how I was bonding with Kendall over tormenting her father. I probably should’ve stuck to waitressing.

The rest of the day was a day of meltdowns. Milo found a dead fish on the beach that he wanted to keep and when I wouldn’t let him, he decided that I was the devil. I saw firsthand that I was indeed not a very good nanny. I ended up bribing him with the promise of ice cream to make him chill out and then David informed me that Milo can’t have ice cream because of allergies. It was something I would’ve known if I’d read the information packet thoroughly.

That led to another meltdown which stretched into a fitful naptime that stretched into more tantrums. Sometime in the middle of taking a flying Lego to the face, I wondered where the hell Milo’s parents were. I’d noticed David taking a tray upstairs at every meal but if Milo’s dad was just upstairs, why the hell didn’t he come out to see his son?

By the time Milo wore himself out for the day, I’d missed any chances at talking to Kendall and I was sore with a throbbing headache. My pride was wounded and I felt properly humbled. I was a shitty nanny and no matter how I tried to look at it, the day was a failure. My eternal optimism was running dry.

That was unacceptable, though, so I made the choice to use the hot tub hidden away on the first floor to replenish my mood and aching body. I didn’t have a swimsuit, but as I snuck through the house, I noticed that every light was off. Everyone was asleep and I had the hot tub to myself.

At the back of the mansion was a wing that held a sauna, something I’d never use for fear of getting locked in and dying, a gym, something I’d never use becauseno, and a hot tub. The hot tub was big enough for ten people and tucked into a room full of plants. The walls were all glass, even the ceiling, so I could watch the stars as I melted in the water. It was an immediate upper and an instant reminder of why dealing with Milo’s tantrums had been worth it.

I had never been an exhibitionist but as I stripped naked and sank under the bubbles, I got it. I felt wild and bold, despite how confident I felt that no one was awake to chance catching me. After just a few days away from Camden, I already felt like a different woman.

I’d just caught the tailend of a shooting star and was quietly celebrating that positive sign from the universe when a sound had my breath freezing in my lungs. Someone was coming.



Itwasonlywhenno one appeared in the doorway and my heart stopping sending my blood roaring through my ears that I was able to connect the sound with what it was. My cell phone. In my shorts pocket on the floor, I could see if lighting up in the dimly lit room. I had to nearly flip myself out of the tub to grab it from my clothes but when I did, I settled back in the hot water with a grunt.

Camden. I’d been ignoring his calls. For a good reason, I thought, but he didn’t seem to agree. He seemed content to blow up my phone all day and all night. I ignored his call again and then saw that he’d messaged me.

Camden: You haven’t answered your phone in days. If I don’t hear from you by tomorrow morning, I’m filing a missing person’s report.

I swore under my breath and opened the messaging app to tell him what a waste of resources that’d be but he called at exactly the right time and I ended up accepting the call by accident. I thought about hanging up and pretending like it hadn’t happened but then I heard his muffled voice shouting through the phone and sighed.

“What, Camden?” I ground my teeth together until I realized I was doing it and made myself stop.

“Jesus, Ada! I’ve been worried sick about you. Where are you?” He didn’t sound all that worried. He sounded annoyed.

“Why does it matter? I’m fine.” I thought about my stuff. “My parents are coming to get my stuff. Don’t throw it out, okay?”

“I’m not going to have a choice, Ada! They’re evicting us! I need you to come back and help me deal with this.” He was whining, his voice pitched higher than it normally was. “Please, Ada. I know I fucked up. Beth seduced me. She invited herself in and… You don’t want to know the details. Just know that I would never cheat on you, baby. I love you. You know that.”

I made a face. “Youdidcheat on me. I caught you, remember?”

“Come on. I need you. Come home. Wherever you are can’t be better than being here with me, fixing this.” He changed tactics. “We’ve got a good thing. I don’t work without you, though, babe. I’m a mess. I think they turned the water off. I can’t do this alone.”

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