Page 85 of Broken Empire

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“Andone of only four that was made,”Huntersupplies.

“Worthevery penny for you,”Masetells me as he looks at me with so much love in his eyes, it’s hard not to notice.

“Mybirthday is coming up,”Graysays.

“Minetoo,”Hunterchimes in andIcan’t help but laugh at their antics.

“Thankyou, it’s beautiful.”

“Ineed to take this baby for a spin,”Hunterbegs.


“I’llthink about it when you two aren’t on my shit list,”Ismirk at them.


“Yes.Andyou won’t be off the hook anytime soon.”

“We’lldo anything you want to get off of your list,” they both tell me.

“I’llthink about it,”

“Noone is doing anythingIdon’t approve of, so don’t get any ideas, you two.OrIwill fucking kick both your asses if she’s in danger again!”Masongrowls at them.

“Coolyour jets, bro.Obviouslywe know that,”Graysays with a roll of his eyes.

“You’renot the only one with her best interests at heart dickhead,”Huntergrumbles.

“Whateverassholes,” he says.

Inotice my father hasn’t said anything else, even though he’s still here and whenIlook over at him, he’s already watching me.Hehas a sad puppy dog expression, along with what looks like longing.Iturn away becauseIhate seeing him like this, although he was the one who brought this on himself.Hisheart might have been in the right place but it still hurt andI’mnot ready to forgive him just yet.

“Yourpresents that the guys andIgot you are in your room,”Dadsays a moment later before walking over to me and hugging me.Ilet him for a second because even thoughIam mad at him,Istill miss my father. “Happybirthday, sweetheart.Ilove you so much.”

Hepulls away and then walks inside after that.Iwatch him go with so much sadness in my heart.Thiswhole situation really just sucks.

“Happybirthday, squirt,”Hunterhugs me. “LikeDadsaid, our presents are in your room.”

“Happybirthday, sis,”Graysays, also hugging me.

“Alrightyou two oafs go away, we have things to do.Don’tforget we’re cutting her cake later tonight.I’lltext you guys later whenI’mready, since we have to be somewhere else right now.”

“Whereare we going?”

“We’renot leaving the house butIdo have another surprise for you,” he tells me.

“Whatkind of surprise?Whatelse do you have planned?”

“You’reabout to see, baby.”

Hetakes my hand in his and we go all the way upstairs and then outside to what is definitely a rooftop oasis.Thegentle breeze feels good on my skin andItake a moment to look around the space.

It’sso beautiful out here.There’sa high roof giving off shade, that covers the entire space.It’sraised enough that the space feels airy.It’sjust like a huge veranda.

Offto one side is a huge square daybed that’s already decorated with some cute pillows and a huge television mounted to the wall in front of it.There’sa small outdoor kitchen off to the other side with a grill and fridge for drinks.Thenin the center are some outdoor couches surrounding a small fire pit that’s in the middle.

Plantsare all around the space as well; it all creates a gorgeous and cozy vibe.Justby looking at itIcan already tell that this might be my favorite place in the whole house.

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