Page 6 of Hot Kisses

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He looks confused. “There are other public beaches.”

I shake my head and put my hands on my hips. “Not many, not anymore. The coastline is nothing but condos and resorts for miles in both directions.”

He starts to smile again. “I know, most of those are mine. It’s just the way of the world. Nobody in their right mind would let prime real estate like this not make money for them.”

I think of my grandpa, who was the kindest and most generous soul on earth. Gone now, with his legacy about to be swallowed whole. Tears spring to my eyes and he turns and sees them.

“Hey, are you okay?”

His handsome face is stern, but his eyes are full of compassion. He doesn’t know what this place means to me. How can he? How can he know the soul of this place? He’d never understand.

“I’m fine,” I say. “Just shocked that the last public beach is about to be desecrated.”

My home.

He looks like he wants to laugh but holds it in. “You could probably get the permits to do your business on the sidewalk. And construction won’t start too soon. You’ll have part of the summer to make your cash. I’m assuming you’re a college student?”

This is all I have, all I want.I shake my head, unable to speak. “This is a done deal?” I ask, thinking of how smug Uncle Oliver was.

“Not completely done, no,” he says. “There are still things to consider.”

He doesn’t elaborate and I begin to knead his shoulders again, forcing myself to be calm and think. It doesn’t help that even though Brian is now my sworn enemy, his thick, hard muscles feel good under my fingertips.

I remember the way he looked at the water, then took his shoes off. Not as if he was irritated at the sand, but as if he couldn’t wait to dip his toes. That was the look of someone who loved the sea, not someone who wanted to block its view with tall, tacky buildings. My blasted thighs start to tremble again as he relaxes into my touch. I look down at his inky black hair, where a lock has blown across his smooth forehead. He doesn’t have a care in the world.

He doesn’t know. This isn’t his fault. Maybe he doesn’t have to be an enemy at all.

As the timer dings, I run my hands down his upper arms again, then hurry around to face him before he can stand up. He looks surprised and pleased and the spark in his eyes makes me falter in what I’m about to do.

“You know, there’s much more of this place to see,” I tell him. It’s impossible to put on the falsely flirty tone I need for this to work. I feel like a desperate general, urging my soldiers into an unwinnable battle.


He stands, forcing me back a step so we don’t collide. I’m eye level with his collarbones and the way his cologne mixes with my massage oil is intoxicating.Focus, Clarice!

After he puts his shirt on and buttons it up, I help him to straighten his tie. Not that I care what he looks like for his meeting with my traitor uncle. And I’m not looking for reasons to touch him again. I’ve got a plan.

“Yes, there’s a lot left on the tour. You really should see what you’ll be buying before you sign anything.”

He chuckles, the rich, low rumble sending shockwaves through me. His eyes are locked onto mine. “Okay. How about tomorrow evening?”

Will that be too late? All I can do is agree, and he leaves with a big smile on his face. I’m too shaken up to keep waiting formore customers. Because of Brian’s overpayments, I’m already far ahead of the game anyway. It’s not just the multiple blows I’ve received today that have me off kilter, it’s the way he kept looking at me. The fact I wanted to keep touching him even after his fifteen minutes were up. The fact I’m much too hot for the current temperate weather. Not even the breeze can cool me off.

I’m pleased to see the waves are starting to kick up already, as if they know how much I need them. Locking up the jewelry and the cooler in the van, I grab my board from the storage shed and head down to the water to clear my head and devise a plan.

I’m much too excited, but I tell myself it isn’t because I’ll see Brian again tomorrow. This isn’t a date I’m planning.

I’m going to make himhatethis beach.

Chapter 4


I can’t stop grinning the entire way to the restaurant where I’ll be having the meeting. My face feels unsure of itself, almost aching from the workout I’m putting it through. When was the last time I smiled so much?

Not the terse smiles after signing a deal. Those barely register and last for less than a second. These won’t stop.

I was on the verge of asking her to dinner tonight, showing my whole hand, and risking her telling me off because she’s in a relationship. The fact she thinks I’m the big bad wolf for developing the beach she sets up her little enterprise on is kind of cute. I like that she cares deeply about things, and I had ideals once, too.

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