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She doesn’t fear me the way that she should. Even when she’s obedient, it seems more like a show. It’s as if she submits because she knows it’s her role more than out of any true fear of me.

It’s maddening.

I could sell her. I could send her off to be someone else’s slave, return the status quo of the ship, and wash my hands of her. Everything would be back to normal. Back to the way it was just a week ago.

But even as I consider it, the notion stirs an odd sensation in me. Something hollow and empty I’m not sure I’ve ever felt before.

“You’re my servant,” I declare, stating what I think might be obvious to everyone but me. “You’ll stay with me from now on, like a handmaid.”

She nods as if in agreement, but I catch the amused smirk on her face.

It’s maddening.



The days spent working on the shuttle begin to fall into a routine. Cleaning, serving, washing, answering every beck and call. It is exhausting and more than once I want to scream at the crew. But settling for trading snide remarks with Karvex suffices for the moment.

Lately, though, he’s been acting strangely. Every new remark doesn’t quite have the menacing edge it should. And while he is still incredibly strict and even harsh at times, he seems to pull himself back now before it goes too far.

And then there is the staring. I catch him on several occasions simply staring at me. It isn’t simply the fact that he is staring at me that is the issue, but rather the way he is staring.

I’ve been stared at in many different ways. Seedy leers. Disgusted side eyes. Indifferent and cold glances like I was mud.

But his stares are almost curious. Like I am a puzzle he is trying to figure out.

“I asked you to clean the console, not take the paint off,” an annoyed voice growls, taking me out of my thoughts.

I huff and turn to face the very man I’d just been musing about. I give him my best grin that I know gets on his nerves.

“In case you haven’t noticed, the paint is already coming off. Honestly, this thing is more junk than shuttle.”

Karvex rolls his eyes and steps closer to me. My breath hitches slightly at his sudden closeness.

He’s a Reaper. A Reaper that has full power over me. I should be terrified.

But something in me can’t let me be fully afraid of him. A small voice in the back of my head whispers that he is not the enemy.

Maybe that’s why instead of cowering in fear, I lift my chin.

He raises a brow and meets my gaze. For a while, we just stare each other down.

But being so intently under his gaze is nearly overwhelming. Like being surrounded by a fire that’s about to consume you.

I cross my arms. “Was there something you needed, sir?”

“I hardly do anything without a purpose. There’s a mess in the galley that needs your attention. And then the waste is building up in the barracks. Dispose of it in the incinerator.”

I clench my jaw. “Yes, sir.”

Well, I might as well get on it. I begin to move away when he grabs my arm, bringing me to a halt. My head whips to meet his gaze. He’s studying me again with that curious look.

“Have you eaten today?”

The question catches me off guard. Why does he care if I’ve eaten or not?

My stomach growls at the mention of food, answering for me. Karvex frowns, looking almost… upset? No, surely not.

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