Page 92 of Four Hours

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Boston had always been his home, and he would give it up.

For me.

Hands suddenly shaking, I set my beer on the end table and wiped my palms on my thighs.

What the hell was wrong with me that I wasn’t sprinting down that path that led to our spending the rest of our lives together? The picket fence. The kids we would love unconditionally no matter what.

“You’re perfect for me,” I whispered the truth in my heart.

“And I love you with every part of my being,” Drake said. “Every atom, cell, and strand of my DNA is yours, Preston. You fucking own me, heart and soul.”

The swoon-worthy statement poured from his beautiful lips better than any romance novel hero.

“B-But how? I’m nothing but an emotional, geeky nerd who has trouble articulating what’s in his head—unless lust inspires me to spill all my sexual desires.”

Rather than snickering or his eyes growing heated, Drake scoffed. “Bullshit. You’re the most decent and trustworthy man I’ve ever met—my dad included. You respect the hell out of people’s privacy and show the self-restraint of a goddamn saint. Your modesty and humility are so damn sexy. And trust me. I’ve had my fair share of guys, and there’s no comparison, no emotional intimacy or connection of souls like when I’m with you. I can feel your presence from across the room even if you can’t put it into words. And if that isn’t evidence of us being two parts of a whole, I don’t know what is.”

Well, damn.

I worked my throat a few times, overwhelmed by all he’d proclaimed. Drake had given me more than I could have ever dreamed up in my fantasies of a declaration of love. “Do you…think it’s selfish to put ourselves above our parents? Because this will tear them apart if you’re wrong about Jacqueline.”

“Should we hinder our own happiness because of someone else’s bitterness and inability to forgive?” Drake shot back but without anger in his tone. “My dad said that love is worth the risk. I have to believe him because I don’t want to live without you. Fucking can’t.”

Twin tears slid down my cheeks as heartache and happiness warred for prominence in my chest.

“Fuck, baby.” Drake set aside his empty beer bottle and hopped up, crossing the living room in sure strides. Dropping to his knees in front of me, he clasped my face in his warm hands. “I’m sorry if this is all too much.”

“N-No.” I blinked the wetness from my eyes, my pulse settling into a steady rhythm at his gentle touch. “It’s okay. I mean, we needed this conversation, right?” A smile wobbled to life on my lips.

Drake’s gaze dipped to my mouth, and he swallowed hard. “I thought I could be patient, but tell me you love me or order me to leave, Preston,” he whispered, dragging his focus back to my eyes. “End this agony in my heart. Please.”

The two paths hadn’t converged like I’d hoped for, but I couldn’t deny the perfect chords of harmony he and I created whenever we came together.

Drake was everything I had ever dreamed about, the one I would need if the world crumbled down around us. If I only had five minutes left to live, it wouldn’t be Jacqueline or even Nancy I wanted holding me.

It was Drake.

“I love you,” I whispered as another tear slid down my cheek. “Always have.”

His gaze softened as he swiped the wetness from my face with his thumbs. “Come here, baby.”

I leaned forward, surrendering to the rightness of us as his lips pressed against mine. We shared a chaste kiss, one full of promise. Forehead against his, I closed my eyes and rested for a quiet moment as contentment settled in my soul.

“You always show me how much you love me,” I murmured, pulling back enough I could see his beautiful blue eyes full of emotion I no longer had any wish to run from. “Will you let me do the same for you?”

A slow smirk curled the corner of his lips. “You want to worship my body?”

“Fuck yes,” I rushed to answer, breathless with sudden need. “Wannalickeveryinch.”

Drake barked a laugh and stood, yanking me up against him.

My breath punched from my lungs at the contact.

“Take me to your bed, Preston.” His low voice vibrated against my chest. “Show me how much you love me.”

Insides shaking, I clasped his hand and led him toward my bedroom. Wanting to see him, study every dip and valley of the muscle and bone beneath his skin, I flicked the lights on and didn’t bother dimming them.

“Strip for me,” I demanded, my voice an octave lower from desire.

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