Page 81 of Four Hours

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A grin flashed my lips upward. “I quit.”

“You seriously did? I-I heard you over the phone earlier this morning, but I wasn’t sure…” He trailed off when he realized he’d admitted to eavesdropping. Not that I cared.

He’d given me enough for now, and I would prove myself by loving him regardless of his actions.

“I don’t share when I’m invested, baby, and we belong to each other.” My tone didn’t allow for argument. “I’ve known that since the first night we sat down as a family at that ostentatious dinner table. Didn’t recognize it then, but looking back, yeah. You were mine from the minute I first saw you, Preston Gibbons.”

That gooey, melty expression erased the lines off Preston’s face, and he stared at me with hearts in his eyes.

Talk about an ego boost and heartache at the same time.

“Come here, baby,” I tugged on his shoulder, my voice gruff.

His cell rang—some fucking horrific ringtone that bled horror and death from my ears.

I snorted a laugh even though my stomach twisted. “Tell me that’s Jacqueline.”

“That’s Jacqueline,” he admitted, his voice shaky as he swiped his cell off the end table. His freckles shone out stark against his suddenly pale skin.

He answered before I could tell him not to.

“H-Hello,” he squeaked and swallowed hard.

I couldn’t hear what Jacqueline said but watched Preston’s face. At the first sign of a grimace, I gestured for the phone.

No way! He mouthed at me, shaking his head, eyes wide.

“Give me the phone, Preston,” I stated firmly but quietly enough Jacqueline wouldn’t make out my words.

“Preston?” Jacqueline’s voice came through loud and clear as I swiped the phone from Preston. “Did you hear me?”

I lifted his cell to my ear, holding him at bay with a palm to his heaving chest. “Jacqueline!” I greeted, trying for warmth in my voice. “Sorry about that—there was a spider in the elevator with us. Threw Preston for a loop, and he’s a little shaken up.”

“Oh! Drake, I’m happy you’ve chosen to stay in New York with your brother.”

It was my turn to mirror a puke emoji. I fucking hated when she called me that. “It’s been fun hanging with him again.”

“He’s always looked up to you.” The saccharine in her voice triggered my gag reflex and not in a good way. “Idolized one of the best male role models in his life.”

An agreeing noise sounded in my throat even though I’d heard an emphasis on that one word.

“Maybe now that you’re reconnected?—”

A snort almost ripped from me.

“—you can draw him out of his shell. Maybe take him out and help him make friends.”

Annoyance slammed into me with the force of a nor’easter, cold and chilling me to the bone at the insinuation they be of the feminine sort. “I’m assuming you and my dad arrived safely?” I changed the subject, fighting to keep my voice level.

“Yes! And it’s so beautiful here. And warm! I’m almost wishing we’d brought the two of you along so we could be one happy family together again.”

Fucking. A.

“Sorry to cut you short, Jacqueline, but we really need to get going. It’s late, and we’re both exhausted.”

“Oh! I’d forgotten about the time change. Give my love to my son, and I appreciate you looking out for him.”

I hung up without saying goodbye, all sorts of pissiness roused back to life by the unspoken words between the ones she’d stated. Perhaps I projected, but I knew Jacqueline Casswell.

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