Page 29 of Four Hours

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Shit. Instinctively, I reached for him.

The elevator jolted to an abrupt stop, inertia buckling both of our knees.

I grabbed hold of Preston’s arm on my way down, spinning him around to land atop me as we crashed to the floor.

His weight slammed into my chest, punching the air from my lungs.

“Oh fuck, oh fuck, oh fuck…” He whispered the words with a heightened tone, scrambling to get his limbs beneath him. Panic widened his unfocused eyes.

I clasped his smooth cheeks in my hands before he could push off me. “Hey!” I gasped out with the first exhale I could manage once I caught my breath.

He blinked, those gorgeous green orbs closed flickering briefly with reality. His frantic movements to stand slowed, but he struggled to fill his lungs as he rested on my chest.

“You’re okay, Preston. Breathe, baby.” The pet name escaped me without thought, but I doubted he’d heard.

Sweet exhales smelling of wintergreen panted over my face, his plump lips mere inches from mine.

My dick started to stiffen again, and I quickly sat up to get my stepbrother off the telling evidence of what he did to me. He curled into a fetal position on the floor, and I threaded my fingers through his like I’d done hundreds of times, squeezing and rubbing my thumbs over the backs of his hands.

“Preston,” I stated firmly glancing over his twitching, slender form.

He stared up at my lips from where I knelt beside him, eyes still glazed over—beautiful as ever.

My goddamn pants felt like a tourniquet regardless of the fucked up situation we were in.

“Preston!” I half-hollered, taking note of the still unmoving elevator trapping us together in the suspended unknown.

He didn’t answer.

“We’re all right—you’re fine,” I stated on autopilot, glancing around us, too fucking aware of the silence outside his gasps for breath and my thundering pulse.

There was no alarm screaming. No voice hollering or fists pounding on the closed doors to make sure we were okay.

What the fuck had happened?

Chapter 10


My lungs burned, but the muscles needing to fill them wouldn’t work.

Couldn’t think.

The vision of Drake wavered above me, vibrant blue eyes hazy rather than intense with worry as he murmured something I couldn’t hear.

Can’t breathe…

Darkness crept in along the edges of my vision, swallowing—devouring—the one my body burned for day and night as he glanced around the tight space we were stuck in.

My pulse throbbed in my fuzzy head.

Warm palms cradled my face. Even hotter exhales caressed my parted lips, making me linger in reality for a few seconds longer.

“Preston!” Drake’s voice lay behind a thick veil, muffled and upset. “I’ve got you, but you need to breathe, baby.”


Did I smile?

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