Page 32 of The Mistress Deal

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“You’re not really in a position to argue. Now go to sleep, I’m tired of arguing with you.” He reached over and turned the bedside lamp off.

I reached over and turned my own lamp on. “Nathan...”

Nathan groaned. “Rose, I don’t want to hear it. I’m very, very tired and I’m losing my patience.”

“I just wanted some money to buy the baby a present. Everybody buys new babies a present,” I said quickly before he could cut me off.

He went to say something, then paused as if changing his mind. “Alright, I’ll give you some money to buy something and Sam will take you shopping in the morning before you go to the hospital.”

“I really would rather use my own money...”

“Good night, Rose,” Nathan added firmly. I sighed and turned off the light.


WHEN I WOKE THE NEXT morning, I rolled over to face Nathan. He stirred slightly then he slowly opened his eyes, a sleepy smile crossing his lips.

“Good morning, angel,” Nathan whispered, his voice thick with sleep. He lazily reached out and brushed a stray piece of hair off my cheek. I felt my heart skip a beat.

“Morning,” I replied brightly. I’d had a good, full night’s sleep, the first since I’d been there.

Nathan raised a sleepy eyebrow. “You’re cheerful this morning.”

“I had a good night’s sleep, I’m going to see my niece today and I’m going to work and getting out of this house,” I smiled. “I’m in a good mood.”

Nathan smiled as he reached out and pulled me close to him, snuggling me tight up against his body. I didn’t resist, I actually enjoyed the closeness and the warmth of his body pressed against my own. I felt Nathan snuggle closer against me when I didn’t resist him. The closeness between us was starting to feel natural, like maybe I could do this for real.

“This is nice,” Nathan murmured, his whole body felt so calm and relaxed, which I have no doubt was a very rare thing for him. He had the ability to make me as mad as possible one minute, then completely at ease the next.

“You first told me that if I relax and go with this, that it could be a very enjoyable experience for the both of us, but that goes both ways, Nathan,” I whispered. “I’ve been here for a week and I haven’t done a single thing for you not to trust me. This fighting and arguing is really stressful, on both of us. Surely this is not what you wanted me here for? This is not what being a mistress is all about.”

Nathan sighed. “No, it’s not.”

“Well, what do you want? Why am I here? You can’t keep me locked away in the house all the time, it’s not humane. Is this really all about the sex? You may be a pig, but I think you have some morals.”

“Gee thanks,” Nathan remarked dryly.

I smiled. “Sorry, but... well, you know what I mean.” I was flustered. I didn’t want to upset Nathan while we were getting along. “If you were, you would have had sex with me the other night regardless of what I wanted. I just don’t feel you’re the sort of man to lock a woman away in a house forever.”

“I don’t know exactly what I want from you, Rose. I saw you, I wanted you, so I did what I could to get you into my life. I really didn’t think you’d last this long. I thought you would have given up by now and turned your brother in so you could go home, back to your own life. But you’re still here and obviously not going anywhere. And if that’s the way you want it to be, it’s your choice. I personally believe that if you break the law, you pay the consequences, family or not. So, I am going to keep you here as my mistress.”

“You really didn’t think I’d stay to protect my brother?”

“No. You have to admit, it was a pretty wild offer. I never thought you’d actually say yes past the first night. But now that you’re here I’m not going to back down. I want you in my life and I will claim you eventually. You’ve made yourself pretty clear that you wouldn’t have anything to do with me under any other circumstances. I guess we’ll just have to play everything by ear.” Nathan glanced at the bedside clock and dropped a kiss on my cheek. “For now though, I have to go to work.” He got out of bed and walked into the bathroom.

I stayed in bed for a moment, thinking about what Nathan had just said. He was right about breaking the law and consequences, but as long as he offered a second option, I couldn’t bring myself to let my brother turn himself in. To begin with, living with Nathan was like the lesser of two evils, now I was starting to think that living with Nathan wasn’t as bad as I first thought. He obviously hadn’t set out to make me his mistress, but the opportunity arose and he just went with it, not believing I would stick it out. I was definitely attracted to him, so would losing my virginity to him be such a bad thing?

I got out of bed and went to the wardrobe. I pulled out my favourite work suit, a cream-coloured skirt and jacket, with a light pink lacey top peeking out from underneath, revealing just enough décolletage to be sexy, not showy, and I put it on, loving it because it reminded me of my old life.

Nathan walked out of the bathroom and looked me up and down. “I should have let you go to work sooner. You look good dressed like that.”

“I told you,” I smiled.

Jane knocked on the door and Nathan called for her to come in. She wheeled in a cart carrying our breakfast. Nathan and I walked out onto the balcony and sat down at the table while Jane set out our food. Nathan thanked her and she turned and walked quietly out of the room, still not looking in my direction.

After breakfast Nathan led me down to the cars. Sam was waiting by the SUV and he opened the back door as I approached. Nathan told Sam he was to take me to the baby shop, then to the hospital for an hour, before he took me to Nathan’s office. Nathan handed me two hundred dollars then went and got into his black sports car. He started the engine and slid down the window.

“Remember Rose, I’m trusting you,” he warned me, his voice serious.

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