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“You can’t leave the hospital without one.”

“This is some bullshit.”

“Uncle Mercury!” I warn. “Be nice to her. She’s only following the rules.”

“Rules are made to be broken.”

“Right on,” Gibson says as he enters the room.

I scowl at him. “Not helping.”

He shrugs. “Don’t act as if you’re suddenly a rule follower now. I thought you were going to break a tooth with how hard you were grinding your teeth when I slowed down to the speed limit in town.”

The nurse giggles. “I love families.”

I open my mouth to contradict her. To tell her we’re not a family. Gibson isn’t part of our family. But I shut my mouth when I realize I want him to be. I want him to support me and stand behind me when Uncle Mercury is being grumpy.

I want him in my life period. I want to spend my days with him. Grow old with him. Argue with him when we’re old and gray and can barely remember our names.

Welp. I’ve gone and done it. I’ve fallen in love with my guitar man. My heart pounds, sweat beads on my forehead, and my hands shake. This is either the first mile on Heartbreak Highway or the start of something amazing.

I glance over at Gibson who’s laughing with Uncle Mercury. I blow out a breath and let the tension roll off of me. I am not going to start this relationship with worries about what if. I’m in love with Gibson, and I’m giving our relationship my all. No overthinking allowed.

Gibson pushes the wheelchair in front of my uncle. “Your chariot awaits, sir.”

“Don’t need no chariot.”

“Maybe not but you’ve also never been given a ride by a rockstar before.”

I gasp. He’s not supposed to tell the world he’s a rockstar. The hospital will be inundated with press.

The nurse pats my shoulder. “Don’t worry. The entire hospital realized he was the guitarist for Cash & the Sinners yesterday.”

My brow furrows. “Does everyone know who Cash & the Sinners is?”

Gibson chuckles. “Everyone except you because you have no taste in music.”

I plant my hands on my hips. “There is nothing wrong with country music. You hummed to my music in the car the other day.”

“Because the song reminded me of one of ours.”

“You’re impossible.”

He waggles his eyebrows. “And you love it.”

I do. I also love him. But I bite my tongue and keep the words to myself.

“Whatever,” I mumble. “Are we blowing this popsicle stand or what?”

Everyone’s attention focuses on Uncle Mercury who’s scowling at the wheelchair as if it personally did him wrong.

I sigh and pull my phone out of my pocket. “I guess I’ll contact Basil and let him know I won’t be in today.”

Mercury wags a finger at me. “You are going to work today, young lady.”

I motion to the wheelchair. “I can’t go to work if I’m stuck in the hospital all day because someone is being stubborn.”

“I’m not stubborn.”

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