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My eyes widen. “I deserve it? I’m not caring for my uncle because I want his money. I’m not my mother. I’m caring for him because he’s my uncle and he needs it. I only wish I’d known about him years ago. I would have never let him live all alone if I had.”

“You’re a good person, Mercy Keller.”

I snort. “You’re the first person to think I am.”

He wraps his arms around me and squeezes me tight. “You’re a good person, Mercy.”

To my shock, my eyes itch with unshed tears. What is happening? I don’t cry because a man says I’m a good person. Unless the man is the one I’m falling for and he has his arms wrapped around me. Apparently, then, I do. I sniff and force the tears away.

“Where are we going?” I ask as he releases me.

He kisses my nose. “It’s a surprise.”

“I’ll need directions since you aren’t driving Uncle Mercury’s car.”

“Why not? Don’t trust me?”

“I trust you. But not with this baby.” Or with my heart. Yet.

We settle in the car and I switch on the engine. Gibson chuckles.


“The excitement on your face when you’re about to drive this car is a thing of beauty.”

I roll my eyes. “You can flatter me all you want. I’m not having sex with you yet.”

He places his hand on top of mine on the gearbox. “I know, sassy girl. I know. And I respect your decision.”

“You respect my decision or you’re afraid of what I’ll do if you push me?”

He raises his palms in the air. “Why can’t it be both?”

He gives me directions as I drive. The radio station plays country music and Gibson even hums along a few times. I smile. I’ll convert him to a country music fan eventually.

“Turn left here,” he says once we reach the outskirts of White Bridge.

“This is an alley.”

“Thanks for stating the obvious.”

I drive through the alley until we reach a door. “You can stop and park here.”

“We’ll block the alley if we stop here.”

“It’s a private driveway.”

“Okay,” I say as I switch off the engine. “Where are we? Is this the part where you skin me alive and sell my organs to the highest bidder?”

“Do I skin you alive before or after I sell off your organs?”

“Huh. Good question. Maybe you’re only selling off my organs.”

The door opens and a man in a suit with a clipboard steps outside. He nods to Gibson who waves in return.

“Is this the guy who’s going to remove the organs?”

“You’re crazy,” he mutters. “Or are you scared?”

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