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Dylan chuckles as he and Virginia help Mercury toward the exit.

“I won’t wait up for you,” Mercury shouts before leaving.

“We should get back to Isla,” Leia says and Fender grunts in agreement before they leave.

Cash tugs on Indigo’s wrist. “Come on. Time to go.”

Indigo frowns. “Why? I want to watch Mercy give Gibson an earful. What was he thinking? Offering her money. He’s supposed to be the charming one.”

Sorry Cash mouths at me before dragging Indigo away.

“But I was having fun,” she whines.

“I’ll make it up to you.”

I giggle at their antics. Having girlfriends is fun. Who knew?

“Mercy, can we talk?”

I glance around and realize Gibson and I are now alone in the room. Well, shit.

Chapter 19

Trust – an essential ingredient in a real relationship


I hold my breath as I wait for Mercy’s response. I wouldn’t blame her if she walked away. Not after I ran away from the bed we were sharing. And, apparently, offering to bank roll her business was a mistake as well. Not sure why.

She blows out a breath. “Fine. Let’s do this.”

“Maybe we should go somewhere private.”

She throws out her arms and whirls around. “Pretty sure everyone in Winter Falls abandoned me here with you.”

“No, they didn’t.” I point to the door where Sage and Feather are peeking through the window watching us.

“This town is full of busybodies.”

“We prefer the term gossip gals,” Sage hollers.

“Yeah,” Feather adds. “We even have matching t-shirts. They’re hot pink.”

“Why did I decide to stay in Winter Falls again?” Mercy mutters.

I reach for her hand. “I’m glad you’re staying.”

She bats me away. “Why? So you can run away from me again? Or maybe you want to throw money at me again?”

“He can throw money at me any time,” Sage shouts.

A muscle ticks in Mercy’s jaw. She’s about to explode.

I grasp her hand. “Let’s go somewhere else.”

I wait for her to push me away again. To my relief, she doesn’t.

“Fine,” she grits out.

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