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I’m happy to fill in as a session musician today but I will not play any other guitar than my own. Lucky for me, Fender built a studio in his backyard where he stores my guitars.

Rob nods to the studio where three of my guitars are standing in racks.

I lift my chin in thanks before proceeding into the studio. The band is already in there getting ready.

“First album?” I ask when I notice how jittery they are.

“Yeah.” Simon beams.

I strap on my guitar and quickly make sure it’s tuned. Once I’m ready, I nod to him.

“Shall we play through the song a few times before we start recording?” He asks.

“Sounds good.”

Bruce counts us off with his sticks and we begin. The song isn’t bad. It’s not Cash & the Sinners level. Not yet. But it isn’t bad.

“Can I make a few suggestions?” I ask once we finish the first run through.

Simon glances around his band for confirmation before answering me. “Sure.”

“The bridge here could use a bit of cleaning up. Maybe switch the key?”

We work on some changes to the song for a while. When we have the changes nailed down, Simon smiles.

“The song is way better now.”

Beck snorts. “I’m surprised you let anyone make any changes to your precious song.”

“Control freak,” Adam mutters.

“I am not a control freak,” Simon argues.

Bruce barks out a laugh. “Said by every control freak in the world.”

“I’m not that bad.”

Beck rolls his eyes. “You walked out of a discussion with one producer because he wanted to make changes.”

“Those weren’t changes. It was an entirely new song.”

“Control freak,” Adam mutters again.

“Can you guys at least pretend to be professional in front of Gibson?” Simon urges.

I wave away his concern. “No worries. If a band isn’t razzing each other, it’s falling apart.”

“You want to record some time today?” Rob asks over the microphone. “Gibson’s time is precious.”

I nearly roll my eyes. I don’t exactly have anything else I need to do today.

“Oh shit. Sorry. Let’s do this,” Simon says and everyone nods in agreement.

We play the song for hours. Sometimes you play a song once and it’s ready. Sometimes you need to play it for days until you get it just right. Considering this band is new to recording, I’m not surprised when it’s after five before Rob finally says he’s happy with the sound.

“Awesome!” Simon shouts and the rest of his band join him.

“Let’s go party,” Beck suggests.

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