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“Done what?”

He motions toward his body. “Realizing how sexy you think I am.”

“This is a bad idea.” I whirl around but he stops me again.

“Don’t you want to hear my proposal?”

I scowl. “Not if it’s sexual.”

He sighs. “It’s not.” He winks. “Unfortunately.”

Told you. Player.

I cross my arms over my chest and his gaze dips to my breasts. I drop my arms and plant my fists on my hips instead. “You said you can get my uncle off my back.”

He clears his throat. “I do have an idea.”

I motion for him to proceed.

He glances around. “Not here.”

“Dude, if this is some way to get me into your bed, you’re barking up the wrong tree. I don’t sleep with men I don’t know.” Anymore. “And I don’t do one-night stands.” Much.

He waves toward the bakery, Bake Me Happy, which appears empty since everyone and their brother is standing on Main Street waiting for the parade to start.

“You’re buying me the biggest latte they have and a chocolate muffin,” I order as I march toward the bakery.

“Yes!” The man behind the counter shouts when we enter.

I scan the room but there’s no one else here besides us. I approach with caution. I’ve known a lot of crazy in my life. I can handle this.

“Hello,” I greet.

“Hi, Mercy,” he says and I rear back.

“How do you know my name?”

He winks. “Everyone knows your name.”

It’s confirmed. He’s crazy. “Mm hum.”

He rolls his eyes. “I’m Bryan, and I’m not crazy.”

Everyone who’s crazy says they’re not.

“I know your name because you’re new to Winter Falls.”

Now, I’m interested. I step closer. “Because I’m new to town? Is there a town bulletin?”

He giggles. “Yes, it’s called Facebook.”

“Hey.” Gibson joins me at the counter. “I’m on Facebook but I didn’t read anything about Mercy arriving in Winter Falls.

“Duh. Rockstars don’t check their own social media.”

“Rockstar?” My nose wrinkles. “Who’s a rockstar?”

Bryan points to Gibson. “He is.”

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