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She holds out her hand and I wipe the cookie crumbs on my shirt before shaking hers.

“Sorry, I’ve been driving for days.”

“You’re fine.” She glances around me. “Where’s your luggage?”

“In the car, I didn’t feel up to dragging it inside.”

“Let me show you to your room and then I’ll have someone deal with your luggage.”

Her words are music to my ears. I’ve been schlepping my suitcases in and out of motels for three days. I’m ready to spend more than eight hours in one place.

We climb two sets of stairs before we reach the attic.

Ellery opens the door to the only room on this floor. “The executive suite. It’s my favorite room. The bathroom is through there. You have a bathtub and a separate shower. You’ll find extra bedding in the closet but with the fireplace you should be warm enough.”

Fireplace? I somehow missed the large fireplace across from the bed. There’s a comfy looking chair in front of it. This place is nearly as large as my apartment in San Diego. It’s definitely nicer.

“You said you’d be working while here?”

I nod.

“There’s free Wi-Fi and if you need anything printed, let me know. There’s also a kitchenette but breakfast is included in your nightly rate.”

The kitchenette isn’t much. A two-burner stove next to a sink with a cupboard above it. It’ll do for now.

“You can also eat at the diner or the brewery. They’re both open for lunch and dinner.”

I won’t be eating at the brewery, but a local small town diner sounds good. “Thank you.”

“I’ll leave you to settle in. I’ll have your luggage sent up.”

I cross to the bay window with its view over the town. Main Street stretches out in front of me. There aren’t any cars on the road but I didn’t expect any. Not after the amount of times Jett complained about the ‘crazy environmental rules’ in Winter Falls.

Stores line the street. Judging by the names I can read – Naked Falls Brewing and Electric Vibes to name a few – the town is as quirky as I expected.

I rub a hand over my stomach. I’d love to settle down in a small town. I have no desire to remain in San Diego where I can barely afford my rent and don’t know my neighbors.

A large group of people are gathering near several long tables set up around the square. I wonder what’s happening.

“Knock! Knock!” Ellery hollers before entering and placing my suitcases next to the door.

“Do you know what’s going on?” I point outside to the town square.

“It’s a town celebration.”

“To celebrate what?”

She frowns. “You’re not a reporter, are you?”

I bark out a laugh. “Nope. And I hate paps more than you do.” I clear my throat. “I’m actually the personal assistant for Cash & the Sinners. It’s why I’m here.”

I’m lying. I can easily do my work from a distance. I don’t need to be in town to cater to every whim the band has.

Ellery studies me. “How do I know you’re not lying and you’re actually one of the paps? We kick all of the paps out of town. No hotel refunds.”

I dig out my phone and scan my pics until I find one with me and the band. “This good enough?”

“Wow.” She says as she studies the picture. “They look young here.”

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