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“No,” Virginia insists. “She’s not going to read the letter out loud so you can get inside information to place your bet.”

I groan. “Cash will probably know when Gibson will return before me. Ask him and place your bet.”

Leia grins. “She’s not interested in betting on when Gibson will return. She wants to know if you’re going to forgive him.”

“Do you love Uncle Gibson, Mercy?” Isla asks.

Good question. I fell in love with the Gibson he showed me. The fun guy who made me laugh but was also there for me when Uncle Mercury got sick. The man who showed me what real passion is in the bedroom.

But do I love Gibson now? The man who struggles with demons and uses booze to numb his pain?

I shouldn’t. I should know better than to love a man who deals with addiction every day.

But I’m not giving up on him because he’s addicted. It’s not who I am. I will stand by Gibson and lift him up when he stumbles. Be his strength when he runs out. Love him even when I want to kick his teeth out.

“You love him,” Isla announces.

“How do you know?”

She rolls her eyes. “You have the same mushy look on your face when you think of him as Mom does when she looks at Dad.”

I bump her shoulder. “How did you get this smart?”

“Dad says I get it from him but he’s lying since he’s not my bio dad.”

“You’re smart.”

She beams at me. “I’m the smartest of my class.”

“Good for you.”

“We know Mercy loves Gibson. She’s been walking around all mopey for a month without him,” Indigo says and I stick my tongue out at her. “The question is – will she forgive him?”

Of course, I forgive him. Maybe I’m a walking doormat or an idiot or can’t stop making the wrong decisions about men, but I don’t care. A man who’s willing to go to rehab – and stay – and sends me letters of apology every day deserves to be forgiven and given a second chance.

But if he ever calls me bitch again I’m hitting him over the head with a wrench and burying him in the forest where no one will find him.

“Forgive him for what?” Isla asks.

I glare at Indigo. I’m not explaining what happened to a twelve-year-old. “Thanks.”

“Oops! Sorry.” She doesn’t appear sorry at all.

“I hope your children are exactly like you.”

Virginia smiles as she rubs her belly. “I hope my baby takes after Dylan.”

“Virginia already said I can babysit her baby,” Isla says. “I’m going to be the best babysitter.”

I ruffle her hair. “I bet you will.”

We arrive downtown and Indigo parks the golfcart.

“What’s today’s festival all about anyway?” I ask as we walk to Main Street.

I’m surprised when I scan the area and it’s not completely packed with people. Usually the Winter Falls’ festivals attract tons of tourists. It’s how most of the businesses in town manage to survive.

Indigo starts to answer but doesn’t get a chance before Sage calls out.

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