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He snorts.

“You can’t stop an argument because you’re losing.”

“Can too.”

I help him to settle in the passenger seat before rushing around to the driver’s side. I inhale a deep breath to calm myself before opening the door. This isn’t my car. And I probably shouldn’t squeal my tires in a hospital parking lot. I hate the word should.

“What’s the big deal about living in a nursing home anyway?” I ask once we’re on the road and I’ve managed to stop myself from blowing out of town. It was a close call. My foot is still tapping the gas pedal in anticipation.

“Do you want to live in a nursing home?”

I wag a finger at him. “Nuh-huh. You can’t answer a question with a question. It’s against the rules.”

“Who says?”

“I do.”

“You’re gonna run roughshod over my life, aren’t you?”

I grin. “Just until you’re in a nursing home.”

“I’m about as likely to go in a nursing home as you are to have a boyfriend.”

I gasp. “I’ve had boyfriends.” Too many if I’m being honest with myself. Something I prefer not to do. “I can find another one.”

“Sure you can.”

“I can! But I don’t want to.”

“Don’t want to or can’t?”

I squeeze the steering wheel in an effort to keep my frustration under control. “Uncle Mercury, don’t start with me.”

“I’m not starting anything. All I’m saying is I’m not going into a nursing home until you have a boyfriend.”

Crap. My little detour to Winter Falls has apparently been extended indefinitely.

Chapter 4

Mabon – an excuse for the town of Winter Falls to have a party


“Come on. Hurry up.” Jett taps his toe as he waits for me to put my shoes on.

“What’s got your panties in a twist?”

“You know I don’t wear underwear.”

“Yeah, but what I don’t know is why someone who is constantly hurting himself wouldn’t want to wear underwear for a bit of protection.”

“I don’t need underwear to protect my balls.”

I cock an eyebrow. “I meant to protect me from seeing your dick hanging out when your pants are cut off because you broke your leg again.”

“I broke my leg one time.”

“Are we not counting the time you jumped off stage?”

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