Page 90 of The Boss

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She lifted her foot, and I slipped her boot off, frowning at how cold her toes were even with the boots. “You need warmer boots.”

She didn’t reply, just lifted her other foot so I could remove her second boot. I straightened, and she smiled at me. “Why are you downstairs?”

She gasped, her legs automatically wrapping around my waist when I picked her up. I turned and carried her toward the stairs. She squeezed my shoulders. “Deacon, you are not carrying me up the stairs.”

“Sure, I am,” I said.

“No,” she said.

“Yes,” I said.

“You’ll put your back out, and then I won’t…”

“You won’t what?” I asked.

“Get to bang you,” she said bluntly.

I laughed and kissed her. “I promise not to put my back out carrying you up the stairs, good girl.”

Despite my assurances, her body tensed, and her face scrunched up in a cute, worried scowl when I started up the stairs. She held herself perfectly still until we reached the top of the stairs before she released her breath. “I wish you hadn’t done that.”


“Because girls like me aren’t meant to be carried around,” she said.

I palmed her ass as I walked down the hallway. “Girls with some delicious junk in their trunk, you mean?”

She giggled. “Girls with junk everywhere, not just the trunk.”

“I love your body, Riley. You know that, right?” I said.

“I know,” she said, but I could hear the doubt.

“It’s perfect and beautiful, and your tits are magnificent,” I said.

That made her laugh. “Such a charmer. You just walked past your office.”

“Did I?” I carried her to my bedroom. “Weird.”

She smiled as I set her down beside the bed and immediately unbuttoned her shirt. “No work for me this evening, Mr. Cross?”

I shook my head, pushing her shirt off her shoulders and reaching behind to unhook her bra. “We’ve worked enough this week. Although, I will admit you are super cute with your glasses.”

“I could run downstairs and get them from my purse,” she said with a cheeky grin.

“Later,” I said, pulling off her bra and dropping it on the floor with her shirt. I cupped her breasts as she made a soft moan and arched her back.

“I’ll miss being your good girl tonight,” she confessed.

I grinned wickedly at her before sucking lightly on one nipple. “There are plenty of ways to be my good girl, sweet Riley.”

“Is that right?” she panted as I tugged on her other nipple with my fingers.

“Yes,” I said. “Undress me.”

“Yes, sir,” she said and reached for my shirt.

