Page 84 of The Boss

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He nodded, and I smiled at him. “You’re an amazing person, Deacon Cross, and I’m so happy we’re… friends.”

Christ, I’d almost said ‘dating,’ which would have been beyond humiliating.

He just said he wants to take care of you, Riley. You’re more than just friends.

Ignoring my inner voice would be the smart thing to do. Instead, I nurtured that small voice and let myself believe that maybe she was right.

We sat silently for a few minutes before he kissed me again. “Thank you, Riley. Sorry to dump my parental trauma on you.”

“I don’t mind,” I said.

“Can I ask you for a favour?” he said.


“Can I get a ride to the mechanic to pick up my car? Or do you think Marvin will even start after sitting all night in the cold?”

“Oh, he’ll start,” I said. “The cold only makes him stronger.”

He laughed, and I kissed his chest. “Marvin and I are happy to give you a ride, Mr. Cross.”

“Thank you, Ms. Gates.” He cupped my breast and gave it a gentle squeeze. “If we get out of the tub right now, I’ll have time to eat your sweet pussy before we have to leave.”

I sat up so quickly that water nearly surged over the tub’s edge. Deacon laughed again as I pulled the plug and gave him a saucy grin. “Get the hell out of this tub, Mr. Cross.”



“Hello, Riley.”

“Hello, sir.” I lifted my head, smiling at Deacon. He reached down and tugged on a curl. “Your hair looks very pretty today.”

“Thank you, sir.” I'd looked forward to being on my knees in Deacon’s office since dropping him at the mechanic’s yesterday.

He stared at the glasses case I held in my right hand before he said, “Stand, please.”

I stood, flushing a little when Deacon looked me up and down. I’d worn a much tighter and shorter dress than I would ever wear to an actual office, and his gaze lingered on my braless tits for so long that I started to squirm.

“No fidgeting, Riley,” he said.

I made myself stand still as Deacon stared at my legs. The dress was so short it barely covered the tops of my thigh highs, and smug satisfaction washed over me when I saw the bulge at Deacon’s crotch. Turning Deacon on without even touching him was my new favourite thing.

I was certain Deacon would immediately fuck me, so when he stepped back and indicated for me to go to my desk, my smugness turned to disappointment. I sat at my desk and slipped on my glasses before studying my computer screen.

I glanced up and smiled at Deacon, who had returned to his desk but was staring at me. I took a chance and spoke without his permission. “I love my new glasses, Mr. Cross.”

“Good.” His voice was weirdly hoarse, and he didn’t reprimand me for breaking a rule. “Get to work, Riley.”

“Yes, sir.”

Twenty minutes later, I was finished retyping the random document Deacon had left on my desk. I removed my glasses and left them on my desk before standing. His phone rang, and surprise rippled through me when he answered it and put it on speaker.

“Hey, Richard. Did you get my email? The missing numbers for the quarterly reports are concerning.”

“I think I’ve found the issue,” Richard said.

It was a little strange to hear Deacon doing actual work during one of our play sessions, but I shook off the oddness as I knelt on the cushion next to him and placed my hands in my lap.
