Page 77 of The Boss

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“No, thank you,” she said. “I don’t like to drink if I’m driving, and besides, it’s too cold for beer.”

“Coffee?” I asked.

She grinned. “You might be fine with the caffeine hit at this time of day, but I’ll be bouncing off the walls until the wee hours. I know it’s a little kid’s drink, but do you have hot chocolate?”

“I do,” I said, “and it’s not a little kid’s drink.”

She just shrugged and watched as I stuck a hot chocolate pod into the coffee machine on the counter.

“You have an espresso machine and a coffee machine,” she said.

“Indulgence at its finest,” I said. “I love coffee and am a bit of a coffee snob. I usually bring my own coffee to work, but thankfully, Aiden is as big of a coffee snob as I am.”

I made myself a hot chocolate and brought them to the island, grinning at her expression. “I like hot chocolate, too.”

She laughed and sipped at her drink. “It’s good. Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.”

“I’m sorry about earlier in your office. It won’t happen again.”

“It’s fine,” I said. “Honestly, I barely remembered to stop you from kneeling.”

She half-laughed and half-grimaced. “Acting like I was about to faint was a brilliant save. Thank God you think quickly on your feet. Could you imagine what Richard would have said if I’d knelt at your feet and rested my face on your thigh? There’s no explaining that.”

I couldn’t help but laugh, and she grinned at me. “We would have traumatized him, Deacon.”

“And caused a scandal at the office,” I said. “Any thoughts on what you’d like for dinner?”

“I really am still full from our lunch,” she said. “But I’m happy to sit and visit while you eat.”

“Nah, I’m not that hungry either,” I said.

“So, how did your first week go?” she asked.

“Good. Rainer didn’t do as much review of the year end as I would have expected, but Richard and the finance department are highly skilled, and I have no concerns about finishing the year end in time.”

“That’s good news,” she said.

We sat in comfortable silence for a few minutes before I said, “Do you have plans for the weekend?”

“Not really. Just an appointment Sunday afternoon.” She grinned at me before sipping at her hot chocolate again.

My dick went half-hard just thinking about Sunday. I couldn’t wait to have her naked in my arms, listening to her soft cries as I made her come.”

“How about yourself?” she asked.

“Dinner with friends tomorrow night,” I said. “Last weekend, I was in Vegas for a friend’s birthday, so I plan on having a quieter weekend. There’s a new Lisa Gardner book out that I want to read.”

Her face lit up. “I love Lisa Gardner! I’m on the waiting list at the library for the new book, but I’m something ridiculous, like eighty-seventh.”

“She’s one of my favourites,” I said. “I’ve even read all her romantic suspense when she wrote as Alicia Scott.”

“Me too!” Riley gave me an excited look before drinking some more hot chocolate. “I’m a total bookworm, and suspense is my favourite genre, so you probably shouldn’t get me started. I’ll talk your ear off about it.”

“I’m a bit book obsessed myself,” I said.

She smiled happily at me before sliding off the stool. “Excuse me. I need to use the restroom.”
