Page 75 of The Boss

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“I need you, too.” His breath was warm against my cheek as he leaned down and placed his mouth against my ear. “But fucking you in a public place isn’t what I had in mind for the first time I let you have my cock.”

I moaned when his tongue flicked out to trace my ear. “You want me to fuck you, don’t you, Riley? You want that tight cunt of yours filled full with my dick.”

“Yes,” I whispered. “I want that so much.”

He took a shuddering breath before straightening. He glanced around, and for a moment, I had the crazy idea that he would take me right there. Just lift my skirt, push aside my panties and give me his cock. The thought made my pussy gush.

He stepped back, putting some space between us. His nostrils flared as he stared down at me. “Fuck, Riley, you make me lose all control.”

I cleared my throat. “Deacon, I…”

“Come on.” He took my hand and gave me a tense smile. “Let’s get you some glasses.”

* * *

“Riley, can you grab the monthly reports from Richard’s desk and bring them into my office?” Deacon’s low voice sent all sorts of distracting thoughts racing through my brain.

“Of course, Mr. Cross.” I hung up the phone and hurried down the hallway to Richard’s office. I grabbed the reports, smiling at Amanda as I passed her in the hall.

Deacon had bought me an absurdly expensive pair of glasses, and because my prescription was fairly simple, they would be ready by tomorrow. Although part of me was embarrassed by Deacon buying me glasses, it was almost buried by my delight at the prospect of not having a nightly headache.

I knocked on Deacon’s door and stepped inside. Richard sat across from Deacon at his desk, and I smiled at him as I brought the documents over. Once I was done here, I needed to remember to send out an email to the finance team, and I needed to export the document Deacon had sent me into Excel before -

Deacon’s hand caught my arm. I stared at him in confusion before horror washed over me. I was halfway to my knees beside Deacon’s desk, and Richard was staring at me with a puzzled look.

Holy fuck. I was trying to kneel at Deacon’s feet right here in the goddamn office. I stared mutely at Deacon as he stood and helped me stand straight. “Do you feel faint, Riley?”

He gave me a pointed look, and I nodded immediately. “Yes, I’m sorry. I’m feeling a little, um… unsteady.”

“Sit down.” He guided me into his chair and handed me the half-full glass of water on his desk. “Drink this, please.”

“Should I call 9-1-1?” Richard asked.

“No, no,” I said hurriedly, sipping Deacon’s water. “I’m fine.”

“You’re not fine,” Richard said. “You almost collapsed at Deacon’s feet.”

Colour rushed to my cheeks as Deacon said, “Did you not eat enough at lunch, Riley?”

Thanking God that one of us could think on our feet, I said, “I didn’t. That’s why I’m lightheaded. But I feel better now, and I have a protein bar at my desk that I’ll eat right now.”

“Good,” Deacon said.

I stood and smiled at Richard, who was still giving me a worried look. “I’m perfectly fine, Richard. I promise.”

He glanced at Deacon. “All right, but make sure you eat that protein bar right away.”

My stomach was full of lasagna and cheese toast, and there was zero room for a protein bar, but I nodded and said, “I will.”

* * *


I studied my car engine, not even sure why I’d bothered to pop the hood. I knew nothing about cars and had no idea why my car had started and then abruptly died. I sighed and rubbed at my forehead, my breath steaming out in the cool air of the underground parking garage.

I was annoyed as fuck, and I could only blame my car’s engine problems for part of it. I’d had a phone call that ran late, and by the time I finished, Riley had left for the day. I’d missed my chance to say goodbye and see her one last time.

You’re being ridiculous. You’ll see her on Sunday afternoon.
