Page 71 of The Boss

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“It’ll keep until tomorrow,” he said. “Put your coat on, please.”

I chewed at my bottom lip, and Deacon said, “Stop chewing on your lip, Riley.”

“Yes, sir.” The phrase slipped out by reflex, but the hot look he gave me when I said it made me press my thighs together again.

I cleared my throat. “It’s leftovers from earlier in the week, so it might not last until tomorrow, and I hate wasting food.”

He studied me for a moment before saying. “This is a business lunch I’ll be paying for and expensing, Riley.”

I flushed as he took my jacket off the coat tree and held it out. “Ready?”

I slipped into my coat, and Deacon gave me another smile that made me want to throw him on top of my desk and ride his dick until that ceaseless ache in my pussy finally eased. Instead, I returned his smile and said, “I’m ready.”

* * *


I placed my hand on the small of Riley’s back, guiding her to the table the hostess led us to. I didn’t need to touch her, but I liked doing it. Liked pretending it was a small proprietary touch that told other men in the restaurant she belonged to me.

We hung our coats on the small hooks embedded at the ends of the booth, and Riley slid gracefully into her seat. I sat across from her and watched as she smoothed her hand over the red and white checkered tablecloth. She glanced at the life-size ceramic statue of a man in a chef’s hat and uniform welcoming diners with a hand-printed chalk sign that said, “That’s amore!” with a picture of a heaping plate of pasta below it.

“Don’t let the cheesy decor fool you, okay? This place has the best pasta in the city,” I said.

Her smile was soft and pleased. “This is my favourite Italian restaurant.”

“Seriously?” I asked. “It’s mine too.”

“The lasagna is the best,” she said.

“Nope. The pesto cavatappi is far superior to their lasagna.”

She shook her head. “Agree to disagree.”

I gave her a suspicious look. “What are your thoughts on the garlic bread?”

“Upgrade to cheese toast. Always,” Riley said.

I lifted my water glass and saluted her. “A woman after my own heart.”

She laughed and sipped at her water. “I haven’t been here in forever, so this is a real treat. Thank you, Deacon.”

Christ, I liked how my name sounded on her lips. On Sunday, I’d make her say my real name when she was coming. I’d told her we needed to use our fake names during play sessions, but then I’d gone ahead and broken my own rule, hadn’t I?

“Why did you choose the name Charlotte?” I asked abruptly.

“My middle name is Charlotte,” she said. “Where does Mr. Steele come from?”

I shrugged. “Just something I came up with. No special meaning.”

The server arrived, and we ordered lasagna for her, cavatappi for me and cheese toast for both of us. I drank some water, my throat suddenly dry. “I wanted to take you for lunch to thank you for making this first week a smooth transition.”

She smiled a little. “You’ve mostly been in meetings all week, Deacon. I’ve done very little work for you.”

“You’ve been invaluable,” I said. “I mean that.”

“Thank you,” she said. “That means a lot to me.”

There was a moment of awkward silence before I said, “So, did you grow up here?”
