Page 67 of The Boss

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I nodded, unable to look away from the dark gleam of his eyes. I wasn’t required to be his good girl outside these play sessions and certainly not at the office, but I didn’t argue with him. I wanted to be his good girl… always.

“I think a spanking will help you remember to be my good girl.” His hand slid down to my ass and squeezed roughly. “Do you agree?”

Liquid heat turned my insides to mush. I’d only been a blip on the impact play chart, so why did the thought of Deacon spanking me make my pussy soaking wet?

“Answer me, Riley.” His hand squeezed my ass again.

“Yes, sir,” I said in a low voice.

He studied me, peeling me back layer by layer until I felt as exposed as a raw nerve. His hand tightened on my ass, and for a moment, I thought he might take back what he said, that he would give me a quick spank to the ass and a lighthearted admonishment to be his good girl from now on before he sent me on my merry way.

Before disappointment could settle in my stomach, he turned me around to face his desk, his breath warm on the back of my neck when he said, “Give me a safe word, sweet Riley.”

I’d never thought twice about a safe word before, but it danced from my lips like it’d been waiting years to be born. “Tulip.”

His fingers traced my spine through my thin shirt, lighting up every single nerve ending in its path. “Lift your skirt and bend over my desk.”

Nerves and anticipation danced in my stomach. Was I really going to do this? Was I going to let Deacon spank my bare ass?

My shaking fingers hiking my skirt up to my waist was my answer. I bent over this desk, resting my flushed cheek against the smooth wood as the cool air washed over my naked lower half.

“Spread your legs,” Deacon said.

I shifted my thighs apart, gasping when Deacon lightly slapped my inner thigh. “Wider and arch your back for me.”

I spread them wide, feeling exposed and vulnerable and exquisitely turned on as I arched my back, forcing my ass up.

His phone alarm went off. Deacon silenced it and tossed his phone into the desk drawer. His fingers rubbed against my pussy, and I cried out, my hands latching onto the desk’s edge in front of me.

“You’re so fucking wet already, baby.” Deacon’s voice was hoarse with need and appreciation.

He thumbed my clit, making a soft sound of approval when I rocked frantically against the pressure. “Don’t come, Riley.”

“Please, sir,” I said.

“Your punishment first,” he said.

“Then get the fuck on with it!”

I cringed, immediately expecting a hard slap for my impertinence. Deacon chuckled and smoothed a hand over my bare ass. “Do you know how pretty you look right now, sweet Riley? Your soft thighs spread wide, and your ass in the air as you present your wet cunt to me. I’ve never seen anything so fucking beautiful in my life.”

“Please, Deacon,” I moaned. “Please.”

Using his first name earned me my first real spank. I squealed and reared up, fingers digging into the desk as Deacon said, “You refer to me as sir or Mr. Cross in a play scene. Have you forgotten that?”

“No, sir,” I moaned. “I’m sorry, sir.”

My ass stung from just that one slap. What had I gotten myself into?

“Better,” he said. He rubbed the back of my thighs. “Twenty spanks for your bratty behaviour. You will count them out for me. If you forget, I’ll add another spank. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir,” I said. My heart jackrabbited in my chest, and my breath came in harsh pants.

“Your safe word, baby,” he said. “Tell me again.”

“Tulip,” I said.

“If you want me to stop…”
