Page 15 of The Boss

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I couldn’t, however, stop from shamefully humping his leg like a dog in heat as Mr. Steele’s kisses turned rough and demanding. I clung to him, letting him take what he wanted, while I tried to find the friction I needed against his leg to get myself off. I didn’t care how I looked or how desperate I appeared. I loved orgasming as much as the next girl, but I’d never gotten this hot from kissing and groping before.

You’ve never had someone kiss you like Mr. Steele.

A weird whimpering sound escaped my lips when Mr. Steele pulled his mouth from mine and his hand from my breast. I crowded even closer, pressing my body against his and rubbing my pussy against his leg as I tried to kiss him again.

His hand squeezed my hip, and he made a sound between a groan and a growl before pushing me back. I surged forward, but his stern look and terse “No” stopped me in my tracks.

Some of my sanity returned, and I sagged against the coffee station, staring wide-eyed at him, my fingers skating over my swollen lips and my body shuddering with unfulfilled need.

He sucked in a deep breath when my gaze dropped to his obvious erection. “Stop staring at my dick, Charlotte.”

I tore my gaze away, looking at a spot over his shoulder as humiliation poured through me even as my body still trembled and my pussy dripped for him.

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I shouldn’t have… I’m very sorry.”

“You don’t need to apologize.” He grimaced. “I was the one who -”

His phone dinged, and he pulled it from his pocket, shutting off the alarm before glancing at the expensive looking watch on his wrist. “Our time is up, Charlotte.”

Our time is up? Our time is up? The man almost made me come just from kissing, and all he can say is our time is up?

“Right,” I said. “I’ll grab my things.”

I hurried out of the kitchen and up the stairs, snatching up my purse from outside his office. I didn’t bother to use the washroom to put on my bra and underwear. The humiliation of being so summarily dismissed far outweighed my worry of being in a car accident while not wearing underwear.

I returned downstairs. Mr. Steele wasn’t in the foyer, and I waited nearly a minute before my face flushed. What was I doing? This wasn’t a damn date. This was a business transaction, and Mr. Steele was not required to walk me to the door or say goodbye. I grabbed my jacket from the closet and ran out of his house. The cold air bit into my bare arms and I yanked on my jacket as I slipped and slid in my heels on the icy pavement to my car.

I turned the key, panic infusing my body when Marvin didn’t start.

“Now is not the time, Marvin. Get your fucking shit together!” I snarled before pumping the gas and turning the key again. Marvin started with a wheeze and a groan, and my breath pluming out in front of me, I drove away from Mr. Steele’s house like the hounds of hell were after me.



I couldn’t remember the last time I was this sweaty and anxious. I sat on the edge of the seat in the small formal reception area of Celeste and Catherine’s office. It was after five, and their receptionist had welcomed me, informed Celeste and Catherine I was there, and then left.

I glanced at my phone, fidgeting in the chair and wondering how hard I would have to beg Celeste and Catherine not to fire me. I’d fucked up last night with Mr. Steele. It’d been going so well and then I made a fool of myself with my reaction to his kisses and touch.

Hot shame washed over me. With it being Jamie’s final two days, I was so busy in the office that it was easy to shove aside my embarrassment. I had even mostly convinced myself that last night hadn’t been a disaster and Mr. Steele wouldn’t complain to the Twisted Sisters.

But Celeste’s text at three o’clock asking if I’d have time to pop into their office at the end of the day had ended the delusion with an audible pop.

Celeste, wearing a hot pink muumuu that matched her hair colour, turquoise-coloured jewelry, and lime green Crocs, appeared at the reception. “Hello, darling. Come into Catherine’s office, please.”

My knees shaking, I followed her into her sister’s office, sinking into the leather chair and keeping from crying with grim determination. I would beg Celeste and Catherine for a second chance. I would tell them to choose any client they wanted, and I would be the perfect good girl for them. I couldn’t lose this job. I just couldn’t.

“Riley, darling, do you feel okay?” Celeste sat beside me. She patted my hand as her perfume drifted over me, a curious blend of spicy and sweet that tickled my nose and made my churning stomach even worse.

“I’m good,” I said.

“Are you sure? You’re very pale. Isn’t she pale, Catherine?” Celeste said.

Catherine looked up from her laptop. “Yes, very pale.”

“I’m fine,” I said. “Fit as a fiddle.”

Neither of the sisters looked like they believed me, but Celeste sat back in her chair as Catherine closed her laptop and gave me a somber look.
