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I’ve never spent the night in the same bed as someone else before. Izabella and I never had sleepovers in each other’s beds. In fact, the one and only time she did try to crawl into bed with me, I screamed until our nanny came and took her back to her own room. Somewhere at the back of my mind, it feels wrong to be here like this, but the overwhelming sensation that’s coursing through me is how unmistakably right it feels to have his huge, warm body curled up next to me.

There’s something about Hawthorn that makes me feel safe. He makes me feel cared for, protected, and wanted, and it terrifies me.

I like being near him.

I like him.

A lot.

More than I can even admit to myself, and even though that scares me, I don’t think I could run now even if I wanted to.

“Good morning,” he whispers, leaning forward and pressing his lips to mine. Kissing me softly, he pulls me into his warm, naked body. His hard dick prods me in the stomach, and realization dawns on me. He’s horny.

Coldness washes over me, and some of the joy of waking up in his bed evaporates. He wants to have sex, that’s why he’s being sweet and cuddly. It’s not exactly unexpected, I’m naked in his bedroom, we’re teenagers, and we have sex a lot. In fact, that’s literally the only thing we do. We argue, and we have sex.

Waiting for the kiss to turn sensual, I try to figure out if I should reach for his dick. Is that what he expects me to do? I mean, it’s right there, prodding me, it makes sense that he’s hoping I’m going to touch it. But he’s always the one to initiate sex; last night with the blow job, I kind of did, but he still started it.

“Why are you thinking so hard?” he whispers against my lips.

“I’m not,” I deny, forcing my voice to sound casual.

“Princess, I can practically hear your brain whirring,” he says, pulling away and leaning back to look at me.

Fear fills my stomach with icy tendrils that spread outward as I start to panic. Did I mess up? Should I know what to do? Is that what he expects?

Hawthorn’s eyebrows pull together, and his lips turn down slightly at the corners. “Why do you look like you’re freaking out?”

Unable to look at him, I pick a spot on his shoulder and stare at it, frantically trying to remember everything my mom ever told me about men and their expectations. Admittedly, she wasn’t preparing me for casual sex, more for manipulating them into doing what I wanted, but surely something she told me must be relatable to this situation.

“Penelope, look at me,” he growls in that authoritarian tone that I’m incapable of ignoring.

My eyes snap up to his, and I see the flash of heat that quickly passes through his intense gaze.

“I asked you a question,” he says sternly.

“I just…I don’t really know what to do,” I admit.

“Do, how?”

My eyes flit down to his hard dick, then back to his face. “I didn’t know if you expected me to start things.” I say, feeling heat rush to my cheeks.

A wry smile tips up one side of his lips, and he arches an eyebrow. “You want to know if it’s okay to touch me?”

“I thought…isn’t that why you were kissing me?”

The smile instantly falls from his lips, and I feel my own brows furrow in confusion.

“For fuck’s sake, Penelope, I didn’t kiss you because I want to fuck you,” he snarls, anger lacing his words.

“I—” I start.

“Have you considered that maybe I just wanted to kiss my fucking girlfriend the first time I wake up with her after spending the night together in my bed?” he shouts, jumping up from the mattress and glowering at me.

Confusion wars with anger, and I jump up too, crossing my arms over my naked breasts indignantly. “How am I supposed to know that’s all it was? I’ve never had a boyfriend, and I’ve never shared a bed with a guy. Plus, your dick was poking me in the stomach, what else am I supposed to think?”

“I’m a guy, it’s called morning wood. Stop assuming that I just want you as some fuck toy. I like you, Princess, I just wanted to fucking kiss you,” he cries.

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