Page 100 of The Truth That Frees

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“We need to know who inherits the Rhodes fortune now that Penelope is out,” Davis says.

“How can we find that out?” I ask.

“I have no fucking clue. Once the beneficiaries are notified, it’ll become public record, but till then it’s private, and unless we bribe the lawyer, I can’t see how we can find out,” Kip tells me apologetically.

“Maybe Penelope is right, maybe the girls should just cut all ties and walk away. I’m not saying that because I think we should back down from their asshole parents, but because Izzy and Penelope have been hurt enough. This article they leaked to the media, it’s fucked up. It’s bad if it’s true…” He trails off, obviously waiting for me to confirm or deny it either way.

“I think you’re all aware she has some issues with food,” I tell them. “They had her on a nine hundred calories a day diet. If she stepped out of line, they’d make her throw up and give her meds to make her even sicker, then they’d starve her for days on end. They’re fucking monsters,” I hiss.

“Jesus,” Davis says, his expression haunted. “And she thinks she’s the evil one.”

“I have no fucking idea what we do now,” Gulliver admits, sighing wearily.

“Me either, but we can’t just stop. She’s agreed to carry on with everything we have planned and that we should try to get as much of the Rhodes Corp. stock as we can. But if it doesn’t work, she thinks we should just walk away,” I tell them, hating every word as it pours from my mouth.

“She might be right,” Kip says with a shrug.


“I’m not saying we give up completely, but we bide our time, we have the rest of our lives to fuck with them. As much as I want to destroy them now, pissing them off and mildly embarrassing them isn’t going to ruin them,” Kip says, his tone calm and rational.

I hate that he’s right.

One Week Later

Tonight’s the night. Tonight is the night I get to tell every old money family that my girl is officially off the market.

When we didn’t fire back at the Rhodeses’ after the article about Penelope’s supposed eating disorder, all went quiet on the western front. I’m sure they think they’ve won. Maybe they have, but we’re not down and out just yet.

We’ve managed to dispel the rumors about my Princess pretty easily by attending dinners and functions every night this week. Even if people believed the story about her, she’s not hiding. Instead, she’s learning to enjoy food again, and every bite she takes is her own personal revenge against her parents.

We’re hosting tonight’s party in the ballroom at one of Kip’s family’s hotels, the same hotel Izzy and Gulliver held their engagement party in. In one of the most prestigious locations in the state and with a guest list of over five hundred people, it’s going to be one hell of an event. Almost every single person we invited has RSVP’d. I don’t know if it’s to see Penelope or if it’s just out of curiosity, but at this point, who cares?

We’ve rented the same penthouse suite we were staying in the day Penelope came into my room and asked for my help. It’s ironic, really, that her asking me to take her virginity is what brought us all together. That one act reunited the girls and brought my Princess into my life. Back then, I thought she was just as bad as her parents, but I couldn’t have been more wrong, and now she’s one of us.

Tonight, I’m going to get down on one knee and ask her to marry me. I’m a little worried she might say no, that its’s far too soon, but I just can’t wait any longer. She’s mine, and I want to tell the world and tie us together in every way possible.

Her parents are going to lose their minds.

Oddly, my parents are over the moon. I introduced Penelope to them on one of our video chats, and my dad had my great-grandmother’s engagement ring overnighted to me the next day. He said he could tell just from seeing us together that she was the one for me.

Walking into the bedroom Princess and I are sharing, my step falters and I stop, frozen to the floor as I stare at her. Since she moved onto the boat with me, I’ve done everything I can to make positive food memories for her, and even though some days it’s harder than others, she’s slowly starting to learn to ignore her mom’s voice in her head.

I know she still calculates how many calories she’s eaten each day, but I refuse to allow her to starve herself. Food will probably always be triggering for her, but she’s fighting, and seeing her battle her own demons only makes me fall for her even faster.

She’s perfect to me no matter her weight, but the sight of her in a pale-blue gauzy bodysuit that clings to her skin, accentuating her newly developed curves, and hugging her perfect breasts and ass is enough to bring me to my knees. My eyes trail all the way down her body to the sky-high heels on her feet, and my dick stands to attention so quickly I go a little lightheaded.

“Fuck,” I rasp, my throat dry as my eyes refuse to move from the perfection before me.

Her hair looks like she just came out of an old-school Hollywood glamour film, swept over one shoulder and pinned with a diamond slide that sparkles in the light. Glancing at me in the mirror, her full, shiny lips tip up into a wide smile, and she turns to face me. My dick somehow hardens even more when I see her pink nipples beneath the translucent mesh cups of the bra.

“You look fucking divine,” I purr. Grinding my hard cock into her, I collar her throat and tip her head back. “I want you so bad, but you look too beautiful for me to take you how I need,” I breathe.

Wrapping her arms around my neck, she tangles her fingers in my hair, tugging me down so she can press her lips to mine. I can taste her desire on her tongue, and the urge to rip the flimsy fabric from her body is almost too tempting to resist.

“Later,” I whisper, pulling away from her mouth. “I’m going to rip this off you and unwrap you like you’re my gift.”

“What are you going to do to me then?” she asks breathily.

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