Page 83 of The Lie That Traps

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“Ghostie?” she questions, arching her brow.

“You don’t like it? I think it’s cute.”

Rolling her eyes, she scoffs. “I’ll have a Long Island iced tea, please. The one Kip made me earlier was delicious.”

Kip and Thorn order their own drinks, and I ask for an Old Fashioned before the server quickly disappears into the crowd. “So how was it?” I whisper against Izzy’s ear.

“Loud,” she replies with a small smile tipping at the corner of her lips.

“You were great,” Kip praises, interrupting our intimate moment.

It’s obvious that my buddy has a thing for my Ghost, but he needs to fucking stop. Kip might be my friend, but she’s mine, and if I have to, I’ll do whatever’s necessary to remind him of that.

The server returns and hands us our drinks while Izzy smiles sweetly, thanking them before they disappear again. I watch as she takes a sip, then I take the glass from her hand and place it on the table. Twisting our fingers together, I pull her from her seat. “Come dance with me.”

She doesn’t fail to hide her hesitancy, but she still lets me lead her to the dance floor that’s just beyond the roped-off VIP section. Pulling her into me, I wrap my arm around her back, and we’re immediately swallowed by the crowd of people dancing around us. I don’t recognize the song the DJ’s playing, but as the bass pounds and the beat guides our bodies, we sway together, lost in the bubble of intimacy we’ve found amid the chaos.

When she lifts her arms and wraps them around the back of my neck, I slide one of my legs between hers and grind my thigh against the seam of the tiny black shorts she’s wearing. Our torsos are pressed together so close that I hear it when a moan slips from her parted lips. Using my fingertip, I tilt her chin up and hover my lips an inch from hers.

“Kiss me,” I dare her. “Not because people are watching, not because it’s part of the act. Kiss me because your pussy is wet and needy. Kiss me because you want to. Kiss me because you want me.”

It feels like hours, not seconds, before she lifts up and presses her lips against mine, but once she does, I kiss her back like she’s the only thing I can see in the world. We keep dancing for several more songs until the sounds of her moans are louder in my ears than the music that’s blasting around us. When my dick is so hard I can barely think, I pull her from the dance floor and back into the VIP area, holding her in front of me to hide my very visible arousal.

The high table the hostess showed us to when we arrived is empty, but I spot the guys sitting at a larger table surrounded by several more of our friends. When I guide her toward it, her steps slow and she glances back at me with uncertainty.

“No more hiding,” I remind her.

Nodding, she inhales a slow, steady breath, then pulls back her shoulders and dons her Penelope mask, strutting over to the table and confidently lowering herself into an empty seat.

Tightness tugs at something in my chest as I follow her, scooping her out of the chair and settling her in my lap instead. Watching her fake confidence is almost harder than watching her struggle with the need to retreat and hide. I hate that she has to put on an act, but I despise the fact that she pretends to be her sister when she does it even more.

Her parents and sister stripped her of her own identity for years, but I’m confident that the girl I’m obsessively attracted to is the real Izzy, because nothing about how she behaves when she’s with us has ever felt fake. I just wish that she could see how fucking awesome she is and not feel like she has to act like a completely different person when she’s in a social situation like this.

Leaning forward, I press a kiss to her shoulder and feel some of her tension dissolve. Wrapping my arm around her waist, I lean back, and she relaxes into me, accepting the protection and reassurance I’m offering her.

We order drinks when the server arrives, then sit cuddled together in comfortable silence while the others chat and laugh around us. Her bare skin is a temptation that proves impossible to resist, and I kiss her neck, her shoulders, and the tops of her arms before I pull her mouth to mine and claim her lips in a teasing kiss.

Turning to face me more fully, Izzy wiggles, rubbing her perfect ass over my hard dick, and my pained groan gets swallowed up by our kisses. Nipping her lower lip with my teeth, I pull away from her just far enough to speak. “If you keep doing that, I’m going to have to take you to the bathroom, bend you over, and fuck you over the sink.”

I feel the way her lips curve into a grin, and I can’t help smiling back. The server delivers us more drinks, and I hand Izzy her cocktail while I take a sip of my own. Our entire table is underage, but a perk of being young, wealthy, and recognizable is that rules like legal drinking age limits just don’t apply to us.

Leaning forward to place my glass on the table, I find Richie Pullsworth—a guy from school—eyeing Izzy speculatively. “You’ve met my fiancée, Izzy, haven’t you, Richie?”

Tilting so far forward he almost falls out of his seat, Richie reaches for Izzy’s hand, dramatically lifting it to his lips and pressing a kiss to the back of it. “I haven’t had the privilege, no. I’m Richard Pullsworth.”

“Izabella Rhodes,” Izzy replies politely, immediately pulling her hand free of his touch and entangling her fingers back with mine at her waist.

“So there really are two of you,” he asks, in his affected Yankie accent, eyeing her like she’s a piece of meat.

“That’s what happens with twins.” She shrugs.

Stifling a laugh, I bury my face in her shoulder. “Has everyone else met Izzy?” I ask loudly, still smirking.

For the next couple of hours, my Ghost charms everyone. She dances with Kip, Thorn, then Davis before I push them out of the way and wrap myself around her, asking her to kiss me again and again, always pushing it to be her choice, forcing her to admit that she wants me just as much as I want her.

The sun is starting to rise in the sky by the time Izzy and I climb back into the limo. The guys were all ready to leave too, but my dick’s been hard for hours, and there’s no way I can keep my hands to myself until we get home.

The moment we’re settled onto the seat, with the door closed behind us, I grab the remote and close the privacy screen. Dragging her into my lap, I position her so she’s straddling me and collar her throat with my fingers.

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