Page 55 of The Lie That Traps

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Twisting the lock, I turn the handle and open the door, finding a scowling Gulliver standing on the other side, his fist poised and ready to knock again.

“We’re back at the marina,” he says, running his eyes over me, taking in my messy hair and red-rimmed eyes.

“Okay, I’ll be out in a minute,” I say coldly, not meeting his gaze.

“Izzy,” he starts, but I interrupt him.

“I just need to freshen up, and I’ll be ready to go,” I say, turning and pushing the door closed in his face.

Padding into the bathroom, I splash some water on my cheeks before sliding my shoes on and heading back onto the deck. Four sets of eyes all turn to me as I step outside, but I ignore them all except Kip, whom I flash a small, barely-there smile to.

The silence that stretches between us as we wait for Matthew to secure the gangplank into place feels like it lasts forever, and the moment he steps back, I offer him my thanks and walk off the boat and onto the dock, not waiting for the others as I make my way back to Gulliver’s car. Picking at the skin on the side of my finger, I wait quietly by the Range Rover until the guys all appear, the mood somber. When Gulliver unlocks the car, I climb in, shuffling over to the far side of the rear seat so I can look out of the window rather than end up stuck in the middle between the two guys again.

The guys chat between themselves as we drive home, but I don’t engage in the conversation, merely counting down the minutes until we pull into the driveway for Gulliver’s house. When he slows to a stop, I’m grateful for Beth’s impeccable service as the front door swings open. I eagerly dart into the house, thanking her as I make my way upstairs to the room I used last night to gather my stuff.

Once I’ve packed everything I brought with me back into my overnight bag, I grab my cell and quickly dial Mark’s number.

“Miss Izabella, are you okay?” he asks.

“Could you come and pick me up from the Winslows’, please?”

“Of course, I’ll be there in ten minutes.”

“Thank you,” I say shakily, the fear of having to face my family starting to set in.

“I’ll be there soon,” my sweet driver says, his voice full of fatherly concern that brings more tears to my eyes.

Shoving my cell into the pocket of my shorts, I carefully slide my beautiful dress into its garment bag and pull it off the hook it was hanging on. Glancing around, I check that I haven’t left anything behind before leaving the room and making my way downstairs. When I hit the foyer, Beth is moving silently toward the living room, but she pauses when she sees me.

“Miss Rhodes, your driver is outside.”

“Thank you,” I tell her. “Do you know where Gulliver is? I need to let him know that I’m leaving.”

“Mr. Winslow and his other guests are all on the terrace. Would you like me to take your things to the car?” she asks.

“Thank you, that would be great,” I say, handing off my bags to her as I pull in a sharp inhale and make my way to the living room. When I enter the room, I can hear the guys outside, and I silently make my way toward them.

“Dude, she was crying, this isn’t fucking funny anymore,” I hear Kip say.

“She’ll be fine.” Davis laughs.

“I’m not so sure she will be. Just because she looks like Penelope she isn’t her sister, and she’s a nice girl. This shit you’re doing to her is kind of fucked up,” Kip argues.

“Look, this will all blow over, and the Rhodeses will stop pouting in a day or so. I’m sure once we’ve graduated, she’ll thank me for pulling her out of Penelope’s shadow. Once they get over the shock, her parents will be fucking over the moon, thinking one of their kids landed a Winslow. Penelope can latch onto a new target, and everyone will be happy,” Gulliver says, like this really is just a joke. But then, I suppose to him, it is.

Steeling myself, I step out onto the terrace and wait as all four of them turn to me.

“Do you want a beer?” Hawthorn asks, jumping up and moving to the bar.

“No, thank you. I just came to let you know that my driver’s here,” I tell them quietly.

“I was going to drive you,” Gulliver says, a smirk spreading across his lips.

“It’s fine.” I shrug. “Here,” I say, offering the huge diamond ring out for him to take.

“What?” Gulliver says, glancing at the ring with disdain.

“Your ring,” I say.

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