Page 29 of The Lie That Traps

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“What the fuck?” I whisper beneath my breath as the four of us watch Izabella fucking Rhodes disappear down the corridor.

“That did not go like I thought it would,” Kip says, all traces of amusement gone from his voice.

“What happened?” Thorn asks, pushing off the wall and closing the distance between us.

“Izabella is nothing like her sister,” Davis announces, his voice filled with an emotion that I can’t quite identify but that sounds almost like admiration.

“Not going to lie, my dick’s kind of hard right now.” Kip laughs, reaching down to adjust his junk while he stares at the empty hallway in front of us.

Reaching over, I slap him around the back of the head. “Tell your dick to fuck off, that’s my fiancée,” I growl a moment before a confused laugh falls from my lips.

“Oh shit.” Thorn snickers. “How the fuck did you manage to evade marrying one Rhodes and end up engaged to the other?”

“It’s the perfect plan,” I say airily. “There’s no way I can ever marry Penelope now. Not even high society would overlook me being engaged to one twin, then changing to the other. I just need to make sure that everyone notices Izabella, and then Penelope won’t be my problem anymore.”

“But what about Izabella?” Davis asks.

“What about her?”

“If what she just said is true, you’re kind of fucking her over.” His normally smiling mouth slips into a frown.

“Don’t let the innocent act fool you. She spent hours at my house pretending to be Penelope. She’s an actress, just like her whore of a sister.”

But is she? Even though I didn’t know it was Izabella and not Penelope that night, I knew there was something different about her. If she really is an actress, then she’s not a very good one. But regardless, Izabella is still a Rhodes, and I need to use her to get rid of her parents’ obsession with me. And she’ll be fine…won’t she? Ignoring the pang of guilt that settles low in my stomach, I tighten my resolve.

“Come on, we need to get to class and start spreading the good news.”

The morning classes drag, but as I walk into French, a frisson of excitement fills me. I share this class with Penelope, and I’ve been looking forward to seeing her. Davis nudges me as he walks in behind me, and I know he sees her too.

“Hey, sis,” I call loudly, ensuring everyone in the room hears me.

She ignores me until I pause by her desk, forcing her to acknowledge me. When she looks up, a scowl is etched across her face, morphing her usually polished appearance into an ugly mask that somehow suits her better than her normal expression.

“What?” she snaps. “Are you really still playing this game?”

I laugh. “There’s no game, sis. I love Izabella, and we’re engaged. Why aren’t you happy for us? Our parents have been planning to entwine our families together, and now they’re going to get their wish.” I’m being obnoxiously loud, but I want to make sure that the entire class can hear every word I’m saying.

Penelope shakes her head. “How does your dad feel about your engagement?” she asks, poison dripping from every word.

“He’s over the moon. He can’t wait to spend more time with my beautiful fiancée. She made such an impression when we all had dinner together on Friday night.”

Penelope’s face falls, and she pales slightly. Smiling widely, I reach out and squeeze her shoulder as I pass her, making my way to my usual seat at the back of the class, just as Madam Allard glides into the room.

“You’re playing with fire,” Davis warns me in flawless German.

“There’s no fire left anymore, I just pissed on it,” I reply in the same language. Most kids at GAA speak more than one language, but Davis and I are fluent in both French and German. He also speaks some Swedish and a little Spanish, thanks to traveling with his parents.

Davis shakes his head, and I watch as his amusement fades. “What about Izabella? It kind of feels like you just threw her under the bus again. We both know Penelope isn’t going to let her sister get away with basically stealing her fiancé, even if you never actually agreed to marry her.”

“What’s the worst Penelope can do?” I ask nonchalantly.

When the bell sounds for lunch, I pack my laptop into my bag and follow Davis out of the room. My cell phone vibrates in my pocket, and as I pull it out, I see I have a message from Thorn.

Thorn – She’s in trigonometry, room 215.

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