Page 3 of The Heir: Part 2

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“You’re a big boy, you can shower on your own. I swear I’m not going anywhere, I’ll still be here when you get out.”

The smile I hadn’t even realized I was wearing falls from my lips. “You’re right, you’re not going anywhere. Your ass belongs to me, and tomorrow we’re gonna get your shit from the hotel and you’re moving in here with me.”

Her sigh is audible. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea. I need to buy a house or an apartment or something.”

“You can buy a house, an apartment, a fucking spaceship. I don’t really give a fuck, but you’ll still end up sleeping here with me, so what’s the point?” I ask with a smirk, reaching in to turn on the shower.

“What the hell makes you think you can tell me what to do?” Priss hisses, jumping down from the counter and glaring at me, her naked body completely ruining her attempt at being intimidating.

Crossing the small room in a single stride I crowd her, stepping her back against the counter and caging her in with my hands braced on either side of her. She swallows thickly, her eyes wide, her nipples pebbled as she looks up at me.

“Because you love it when I tell you what to do,” I taunt, tipping my head to the side and accessing her. “But that won’t be the reason you’re in my bed every night.” Pausing I lift one hand from the counter and gently stroke the back of my knuckles against her cheek. “You claimed me, Carrigan; in front of everyone. Even if you don’t want to admit it out loud, we both know that no matter what place you buy, you’ll be here with me, because you won’t want to be anywhere else—and I won’t want you to be either.”

She looks away, and I have to fight the urge to demand she lift her eyes back to me again. Priss is like a wilting flower, she has the potential to be so fucking bold and beautiful, but she hasn’t been cared for, and sometimes, like now, the neglect shows.

Dipping my head, I press a kiss to the corner of her mouth, then pick her up and carry her into the shower with me. She might not be able to tell me how she feels, but she’s shown me over and over today. Right now, I need to take care of her, and show her that it’s okay to let me.

Her eyes fall closed as she tips her head back under the stream of hot water. Grabbing the sponge, I pour shower gel onto it, and then starting at her shoulder I gently caress her skin, coating her in a bubbly lather that’s immediately washed away by the torrent of water.

Without protest she lets me clean her body, sighing happily as I press a kiss against her stomach, while I cover her thighs and pussy with the soapy bubbles, working down to her ankles, then slowly stroking her as I stand back up. Her guileless eyes watch me as I care for her, shock and want dancing together in her stormy blue depths. Dropping the sponge, I turn her around and fill my hands with shampoo, working it into her white blonde hair as I wash it.

Following my silent instruction, she tips back her head letting the water clean the shampoo away from her hair, then waits unmoving as I smooth conditioner through it next. The quiet, still room should be unnerving, but strangely I have no problem being peaceful around Priss. Two weeks ago I would never have believed it was possible to be calm and serene with her, but I understand her a little better now.

She’s done bad things, but she’s not a bad person.

My mind flits to the comment Tally made about her parents punishing Carrigan by starving her, and a surge of red-hot anger tries to force its way to the surface, but I push it away. Another time I’ll ask her about it, but right now I just want to enjoy her surrender, enjoy this time with her.

When the last of the conditioner is gone from her hair I quickly wash myself, then turn off the water, wrapping Priss in a towel before taking one for myself.

“Thank you,” she whispers, her voice barely audible.

“What for?”

“For liking me in spite of who I am, for taking care of me, for being here.”

“You’re welcome,” I whisper back, not needing to say anything more. “Let’s order pizza and eat it in bed,” I say on a wink, ripping the towel from her wet skin and scooping her off the floor and over my shoulder. Her squeal of surprise and tinkling giggles are the best fucking sounds in the world.

* * *

Waking up with her in my arms is the best feeling. I half expected her to be gone, but she’s not, she’s here, her back pressed against my chest, her ass nestled against my hard dick. I’m an eighteen-year-old guy, and I’m used to my dick always being hard when I wake up, but today it’s more than morning wood, it’s her.

Her hair’s spread out across the pillow, messily rumpled and sexy as fuck. She looks so much more real when she’s not perfect, although I bet she’d hate knowing I feel that way. The urge to part her legs and slide into her pussy is so fucking strong, but I need her to know this thing between us is about more than just sex. Today we’re meeting up with the others to strategize about how we’re going to fuck with the girls’ parents. My Priss wants revenge, and after hearing even more from her and Tally about the monsters that raised them, I want it for them both too.

The Archibalds deserve to feel some retribution for everything they’ve done, and now we just need to decide what we can do that will cause them as much hurt as possible. Priss stirs, her ass grazing the head of my dick and I swallow down the groan that tries to escape. Shuffling away from her I watch as she stretches, unfurling like a sleepy kitten and then rolls to face me.

“Morning,” I say, reaching up and tucking the strands of hair that have fallen around her face out of the way.

Blinking sleepily, her eyes focus on me and a bright smile stretches across her face. “Hi,” she whispers.



I’ve never woken up in the same bed as someone else before. Tallulah and I never had sleepovers in each other’s beds, in fact the only time she did try to crawl into bed with me one night, I screamed the house down until our nanny came and took her back to her own room. Somewhere at the back of my mind it feels wrong to be here like this, but the overwhelming sensation that’s coursing through me; is how unmistakably right it feels to have his huge, warm body curled up next to me.

There’s something about Carson that makes me feel safe. He makes me feel cared for, protected and wanted, and it terrifies me.

I like being near him.

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