Page 13 of The Heir: Part 1

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Her movements are slow and filled with insecurities, but she does as I ask, crawling onto my lap and sitting stiffly.

“How old were you when your great-grandfather died?”


“Did you have a boyfriend?”

She shakes her head.

“Has a guy ever touched you Priss?”

“No,” she says, not looking at me.

“Have you ever touched anyone?”


“Didn’t you try to climb Arlo’s dick and tell him there were things you could do to him and still be a virgin?” I say harshly.

Her face pales and she moves to climb out of my lap, but I wrap an arm around her waist to stop her. “I asked you a question.”

“I…” her lips harden and she lifts her chin, arching her neck imperiously. “I know what things to do, even if I’ve never done them,” she says, sounding like the Carrigan I know and hate.

“And what things are those?”

Wiggling, she tries to get free but I tighten my hold on her. “Sit still,” I order, and she complies without thought.

“Whose idea was it to seduce your sister’s fiancé, yours or your mom’s?”

“I’m not innocent,” she cries, her eyes bright and flashing with intensity. “I know my sister wants me to be a victim, but I’m not. I’m a terrible person, I did awful things, just like our parents did.”

“I know you’re not innocent and I know you’re not a good person, but that’s not the question I asked you, is it?” I wait for her answer, but she doesn’t speak. “Priss.”

“Hers, it was hers, but I went along with it, I did it,” she says in a rush, her cheeks red and her lower lip wobbling.

Carrigan is a bitch, I didn’t imagine that. But unless she’s a really fucking good actress, this girl, my Priss, is a fucking mess. She’s insecure and sad and guilty, so fucking guilty that’s it’s oozing out of her, and I feel myself soften a little towards both sides of her.

“You one hundred percent sure you want to do this?” I ask, wanting to make sure, before I let myself get too excited about this actually happening

“I’m sure,” she says, her voice quiet but steely.

Tapping her knee, I reach up and touch her cheek with the back of my knuckles. “Okay, jump off then and I’ll set up this camera.”

Her inhale is shaky, but like I expected she moves off my lap and crawls back to the top of the bed.

Five minutes later the camera is set up, the power cord plugged into the wall, just in case, the tripod setup in front of the bed. Now there’s nothing left to do but grab the remote and get naked. I’ve deliberately avoided looking at Priss. I can feel her tension from here, exuding off her in waves, but I can’t do anything to comfort her, that’s not what this is about. I’m not her boyfriend, this isn’t about candles and moonlight and roses. This is fucking. Sex. My dick in her hot, wet, virgin cunt, and I wish I could say I’m not excited about that, but I am.

Climbing onto the bed on my knees, my back to the camera, I pull my shirt over my head and drop it to the floor. I’m not ashamed of being naked, its natural and I know I look good, I work out, and it shows. Her eyes widen comically as she takes in my bare skin and I can’t help the smile that slides across my mouth.

“Your turn Priss, take your top off.”

She faulters and I tilt my head to the side and assess her. There’s a light tremor in her hands as she reaches for the bottom of her shirt and starts to peel it up, revealing inch by tantalizing inch of pale smooth skin.

I swear that time stops, and it’s like she’s on slow motion because it seems to take an extraordinarily long amount of time until the pink of her bra is revealed. Pink, what is it with this prickly bitch and the pink clothes? I’d expect her to favor black, like her soul, but it’s always pink, this soft girly color that screams young and innocent, neither of which I’d associate with Carrigan.

Her breasts are small but pert, and straining at the delicate satin cups of her bra; the hint of a rosy nipple peeking out where the lace edges the top. My mouth waters and I fight the desire to pull her breast free and lap at her nipple with my tongue. To sink my teeth into the sensitive skin and bite down, sucking until she’s not sure if she wants to pull away or push closer to my mouth.

Can I make her come just by playing with her nipples? Will they be sensitive, or does she want this to be a mechanical interaction, nothing more than a transaction with the sole purpose of breaking her hymen?

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