Page 8 of Beautiful Liar

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“Correction—she wants his cock again. I would get used to that situation if I were you.”

I don’t know why, but I laugh. Of course Cian has fucked lots of women, but the irony is I’m the one who is labeled a whore. All because I got paid for sex.

“What’s so funny?” Darragh asks as I look through the racks of clothes. Everything is things I would have chosen—it’s all me—and that sends a chill down my spine. I let my guard down enough that these men know me well enough to shop for my clothes.

Turning to look at him, objectively I have to admit Darragh is sinfully hot—it’s a pity his entire personality ruins it for him. “I’m laughing at the fact you call me a whore and yet Cian is no different, he just doesn’t get paid. So if I were to give it out for free, would that make it better?”

“No man wants a washed-up whore. They are fun for what they are—to fuck and forget.”

I roll my eyes at his persistence with that angle of insults. “I get it, and lucky I’m not looking for long term. I never have been. So maybe go ask why I’m being held captive.”

Pulling down a pair of jeans and a nice tight-fitting T-shirt, I then open a drawer and also pull out a sheer thong.

“Being held captive is a bit dramatic, don’t you think? Fuck, they have paid for everything your grandma needs until she dies, they paid out your lease, Ronan bought The Range so your fucking friends have better protection, new clothes, a roof over your head, and I could keep going. Your ungrateful ass doesn’t really want to leave, so stop acting like a brat. Cian is giving you your Pretty Woman moment, and you can’t even get over yourself for two seconds to see it. I get what happened to you sucks—it will take time to process—but they are willing to give you that and more.”

My mouth falls open. I have nothing to say.

He isn’t leaving, and if I don’t go with him willingly, I know he will use force. Besides, I would be lying if I said I don’t want to see Cian. I wasn’t leaving because I don’t like them—well, besides Darragh—I just never wanted a forever or to have feelings involved. It seems as soon as I feel a sliver of happiness, the universe rips it all out from underneath me. It’s the second time in my life—Ransom being the first—and my heart can’t do it again.

I feel Darragh’s eyes on me. He doesn’t comment on my naked body like I thought he would, instead standing there quietly. The more I talk to this man, the more I realize we are not that different. We close ourselves off to everyone except the people we are closest to.

Once I’m dressed, Darragh moves out of the closet doorway. I grab a pair of heels and follow him out. Neither of us says a word as he leaves the room, and like an obedient dog, I trail behind him.

He stops at his room while I wait outside the door. As he exits, he places a cap on my head, with no mean comments and no calling me a whore. I send a silent thank you to him with my eyes because there is no way in hell I will ever verbally thank the man.

Sadie and Eloise run down the hall yelling my name and both cling onto my legs.

“Uncle Ronan said we’re going to see Uncle Cian and you’re coming with us,” Eloise says with a hopeful smile.

“We are. But we have to remember Uncle Cian is hurt, so we need to be careful to not hurt him when we touch him.”

“Darragh said it’s your fault he is in the hospital. That you ran away, and so he chased you.”

I glare over at the culprit himself, but he only shrugs his shoulders in response. “It’s the truth. Why would I lie?”

I raise a brow at him. I’m sure he hasn’t been honest about their mother—not that I blame him—but he knows exactly what I’m trying to convey with my icy look.

“Uncle Cian was a little silly and tried to do something he shouldn’t have. But he is okay now and you get to see him. I bet he is going to be so excited.”

Sadie turns to her father and scowls at him. “You should be nice to Harper. Maybe if you were nice, she wouldn’t run away.”

Ugh, my damn heart. How the hell are these girls so damn cute, especially with the DNA they inherited?

“Well, she’s staying, even if I’m not,” he says, moving himself further down the hall. He expects us to follow him, and luckily for him, we do.

The girls take my hands and chat my ear off as we walk. As we come down the stairs, I look around, hoping to see Sullivan or Ronan, but neither is anywhere to be seen.

Darragh dangles his keys. “Let’s go.”

I open my mouth to argue that he has nothing packed for the girls. Don’t kids need things when you leave the house? I know they are not babies, but they are still only small. Shouldn’t we at least pack them water bottles and snacks? The asshole has money, so I’ll make sure he buys them something to eat when we get there.

Stepping into the garage, Darragh presses the key fob and lights flash on a car I have never seen before, and I laugh. “That’s a mom car. This is the best day ever.”

He glares at me as the girls climb into the dark-green mom van and I’m so here for it.

“It’s the safest car for parents with kids,” he replies indignantly as he steps up to buckle Sadie into her booster seat. Though she loudly protests that she is too grown up to need one.

“Who told you that, Darragh? Because I’m pretty sure at least one of the many other cars already in here is plenty safe enough.”

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