Page 97 of My Almost Ex

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“Stella!” Ethel opens the door wider and steps into the room, using the excuse that she had to let Stella in.

Stella is stunning. Her cheekbones are high and her dark umber skin glows. And of course when she smiles, the entire room lights up. No wonder she won over a Bailey. She’s beautiful.

“I take it this is your granddaughter?”

“In-law,” I correct.

“Oh, I think it’s safe to say the in-law gets dropped in their minds.” Stella hugs Ethel and leads her out of the room with a gentle hand on her back. “I’m just going to talk to Lucy for a minute. Why don’t you join Dori on the chair?” She shuts the door behind Ethel.

“You’re a master at that,” I say.

She laughs, sanitizes her hands, and shakes mine. “I’ve had my fair share of practice, believe me. I’m Stella.”

“Hi. Lucy.” I smile.

“Nice to meet you. So tell me what’s going on. I’m almost positive the call I received this morning isn’t accurate.” She sits at the computer and presumably pulls up my new patient file.

“I don’t even want to ask what you heard.”

She chuckles. “That you’re bleeding, and you just recently got back together with one of Ethel’s grandsons and she’s worried he may have hurt you while you were having sex.”

“Seriously?” My mouth drops open.

“The game of telephone with Dori and Ethel is a dangerous one, I assure you.”

I shake my head.

“Why don’t you tell me your version of what’s going on?” Her soft smile sets me at ease.

“Okay, well, I have an IUD because I have bad periods and I haven’t bled at all since the first month, but I had some bad cramping last night. And disclaimer, I did have sex with my husband, but I’ve been having sex with him for a while now, so I don’t think that’s it. And then I was bleeding this morning. I guess it kind of scared me.”

She types away on the computer. “Who put your IUD in?”

“I was in Idaho.”

She nods and types, then swivels her chair my way. “Why in Idaho? Did something happen or did you two recently move up to Alaska?”

My shoulders sag. “Well…”

I tell her my entire sordid story about leaving Adam and my memory loss and why they put the IUD in when I had always been on the pill previous to that. Eventually the conversation returns to Dr. Ramirez. Stella nods a lot and smiles when a nervous laugh escapes me. The story sounds made up, as though I’m talking about a book or some soap opera.

She stands afterward and pulls out the dreaded stirrups. “Okay, I’m going to do an exam on you. I’ve already asked Sarah to call over to Dr. Ramirez’s office for your file. We’ve had a lot of patients come over from there, so we should be able to get it right away. This way we can see where things were a year ago.”

“I can get my records from Idaho too if you need them. I’d just have to call my mom.” Which I don’t want to do, but I will.

“We might need them, but let’s start here first. Since you can’t remember your medical history, I want to make sure all is well today, and I can get Dr. Ramirez’s files pretty quickly. If I don’t find your IUD I’m going to send you down for a pregnancy test since there would be no way of knowing how long it’s been out and you’ve been sexually active.” She pops her head out of the room. “I’m just examining her now, ladies, so hold up a few minutes, okay?” She closes the door and turns to me again.

“Do you have a lock on that door?” I joke although I’m happy the table doesn’t face the door at least.

“I’d need a dead bolt and an alarm to stop those two. I swear they’re like elderly MacGyvers who can pick locks.” She assists me with putting my legs up in the stirrups and asks me to slide down the table so far I fear I’m about to fall off. “Dori has some magic way of getting into one of my fiancé’s sister’s houses. It’s a running joke in the family. She’s caught them one too many times in the kitchen.”

Listening to her talk relaxes me. After she finishes the exam, she slides back and takes off her gloves before helping me up.

“I don’t see your IUD, which means it probably fell out.”

“From having sex?”

She laughs. “More than likely not. It was probably already becoming dislodged and maybe that was the final thing to do it, but most times, there’s not a reason. I want to make sure it’s not in your uterus though, so I’m going to have you go to the ultrasound room. By the time you’re done, I should have your records and we’ll see where you want to go from here.” She leans on the desk for a moment. “We could put in another IUD if you’d like, if everything’s okay, or if you feel as though you’ll remember the pill, we could choose that again. But just sit tight for a second while I arrange the ultrasound. We’ll get this all sorted.” She heads for the door but turns around. “And I’m not telling Ethel anything, so it’s up to you if you want her to know.” She winks like she understands what I’m going through.

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