Page 103 of My Almost Ex

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I climb out and I hear voices in the back yard, so I follow the noise to find Jed, Fisher, and Cameron out back, playing with a pen full of puppies.

“Are you guys going into the breeding business?” I ask.

Cameron turns to me. “Nope, Gunner’s girl had her first set of puppies,” he says like a proud father.

I forgot his yellow lab had gotten another dog pregnant. The family doesn’t want anything to do with them and said that as soon as the puppies were old enough to leave their mother, they were going to him. Cameron happily agreed.

“What are you going to do with them?” I ask.

“I have no clue. Want one?”

“Hell no. I have no time for a dog.”

I walk into the house through the back door and up the stairs to my old childhood bedroom, before we moved into the big house. I spent a year of my life here, missing her every day. Even after I thought I’d moved on, I hadn’t.

I go into my drawer and reach in the back for her wedding ring. The one she left on the counter for me to find after she told me she was leaving. I wanted to throw it in the bay, but something in my gut told me to keep it, so I did. Thank goodness. Although I would buy her a new one. I thought maybe I should, since she’s doing all the old Lucy, new Lucy stuff, but she’s still my Lucy.

I put the ring in my pocket and head back downstairs and out the back door. I have to get to Twisted Stem to get flowers and figure out a great proposal to show her how much I love her. Everything I think of doesn’t seem to make a big enough statement that if we only have each other for the rest of our lives, I’ll still be a happy man.

“Come on, I bet Lucy would love a dog,” Cameron says when I come outside.

The group has gotten bigger, and I glance at the driveway to make sure I can get out. Presley’s holding a dog to her chest and Cade’s giving Cameron the death glare. Chevelle must’ve come with them because she’s watching while Fisher’s trying to get one to sit. The thing is, like, nine weeks old probably.

“Yeah, no,” I say and begin to walk away, but then I get an idea.

“Only your dog would get someone’s dog pregnant at the dog park. Why didn’t you get him fixed?” Chevelle asks, sitting while one of the puppies follows her finger.

“Because I’m not cutting his balls off. As a man myself, I couldn’t do it.”

“Then don’t take him to the dog park,” Chevelle snips.

“Women love men with dogs.”

She rolls her eyes at him. “One dog, Cam, not seven.”

I head back over to the little playpen thing and pick up a yellow one with darker ears.

“I might be the stupidest man ever,” I mumble to myself. “I’m taking one for you, Cam.”

“That’ll be two grand.” He holds out his hand.

“Yeah, right,” I say.

“Puppies are a hot commodity. But…” He waves me off. “You’re like a brother, take him.”

“You’re not really going to sell them, are you? You know you need breeder paperwork, and since the mother’s family has abandoned them…” Chevelle keeps going.

Cameron raises his hand, opening and closing it because she won’t stop lecturing him.

“Congrats to Lucy. At least she’s getting a dog.” Presley turns a cold look on Cade.

“We’re busy. We both run businesses. We have no time for a puppy,” Cade argues.

“Fine, I’ll be in the truck waiting. Next time don’t bring me.” Presley huffs and stomps off toward the truck.

“Goddamn you, Cam.” Cade runs a hand through his hair. “Give it back to me.”

“Two grand please.” Cam holds out his hand.

“Fuck off. I’ll be sending you the bill when it eats my fucking couch.” Cade grabs the dog Presley had and stomps over to his truck.

Presley’s eyes are already widening in happiness.

“No refunds and no returns,” Cam shouts.

I head away from the group with the puppy that’ll probably work my patience until it’s trained. As I drive to downtown, my entire plan comes to my mind.

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