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“That won’t happen. You’re amazing at what you do, and we’ll make sure no one hates each other,” he assured me as our eyes met.

Calmness washed over me as we shared a warm smile with each other. He was right. They had my back, and the worst of the conflict in Vlasica was over. Now, it was time to get the details for peace down and wrap up this chapter in our lives.

“Not feeling nervous, right?” Aziel’s voice came from behind me.

I turned and shook my head.

“Not anymore,” I replied as I looked between everyone with gratitude in my eyes. “I know I have the best security detail in the world.”

Bowen smirked and patted his chest above his heart.

“How sweet,” he said, coaxing a few chuckles from the others. His face then turned serious. “But you know that we’d turn a city upside down for you.”

My heart fluttered at his words, especially since I knew that they were true. All of these guys were willing to do so much for me and our blooming relationship. What we had wasn’t just some arrangement anymore. We were officially together. A family. A unit.

I couldn’t be happier, and I was truly enjoying the spoils of a relationship like this. Delilah wasn’t wrong in the slightest. Having so much love surround me was the most incredible thing ever, and I couldn’t thank David enough for helping all of this happen.

He was my rock, and I felt more loved and supported than ever.

“Well, let’s keep Moranta in one piece. It’s already been through enough,” I said with a light laugh. “We did a good job helping the rebels end the civil war.”

“You were a huge help,” Elijah told me.

“Huge,” Mo agreed.

Amir moved closer to me, placing his hands on my upper arms as he gazed down at me.

“We’re super fucking proud of you, Bri,” he told me. “You didn’t just catch up to us. You set a whole new pace.”

My eyes threatened to burn with happy tears as I smiled up at him.

“Thank you,” I said. There was so much more to say, but I had a feeling he could feel the gratitude radiating off me at that point. I was so worried that I would step on their toes or slow them down when I first joined the unit, but I was in my element out there with them.

We were meant to be a team for that mission, and I was honored to be back here with them.

Andre stepped up closer to his brother, shaking his head.

“No, thank you,” he said. “We wouldn’t have been able to do this without you.”

My eyes swept over all of them, my heart pounding from the love and support surrounding me right now. They uplifted me in ways that I hadn’t ever experienced before, helping me shed layers of my insecurity that weighed me down for years. On top of that, they helped me shed so much guilt that I carried with me too.

My parents would faint if they found out about my relationship, but I wasn’t planning on telling them anything. If they found out, I didn’t care either because I was truly happy. I had an incredible husband and eight other partners who were so loving and protective of me.

Believe it or not, falling for them bettered my marriage with my husband. Some things worked out in crazy, unexpected ways, but I enjoyed every bump and curve of this ride. From my vantage point, we had many adventures left to go, starting with these peace negotiations.

After that, who knew? What I did know was that I didn’t ever have to worry about being alone. We all gravitated to each other like we were meant to be, and no obstacles could come in our way.

“You guys can’t make me cry before this conference,” I told them as I blinked my eyes rapidly.

“As long as they’re happy tears,” Erick said, his hand brushing my lower back.

All they did was make me cry happy tears. My emotions for them were overwhelming at times, but how many people could say they were in love with so many people at once? My heart could barely take it, but the ache was intoxicating. It reminded me of how alive I was with them.

“Always,” I replied, giving him a smile before turning to David. “I’m ready when you guys are.”

David glanced around at everyone else, getting nods that they were ready to head inside and get in position. He placed his hand on my upper arm, rubbing gently.

“I know you are,” he said with pride in his voice. “I’m glad you’re here with us, Brianna.”

His words stole my breath away as we gazed at each other, sharing a moment that was silent but intimate. Distance almost split us apart, but we were closer than ever before. Emotionally and physically.

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