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“Fuck, I love you,” he breathed out.

“I love you,” I told him, my breathing growing more ragged as my orgasm built up. It would sap all of my strength and energy, but I needed it. I craved it at this point.

David only had to thrust a few more times before slamming home, making us both tumble into bliss at the same time. He stroked my hair as he gazed down at me, taking in the sight of me flushed and pleased.

“Good?” he asked with a chuckle.

My eyes swept around the room as I saw the guys recovering, drawing a smile onto my face as I looked back up at David. I meant my next words with everything that I had.


Chapter 28


When the following morning arrived, I was still reeling from the events of yesterday. I couldn’t believe that we all admitted our feelings and had the best night of ecstasy. Obviously, none of us wanted to go home after that, but it was hard to fit a bunch of guys in one place.

Luckily, Brianna had a spare apartment unit that we could stay at for now. So, we all decided to get some sleep for the rest of the night and talk the following morning. There was a lot to discuss, especially since there were so many of us, and two of us were married.

It was hard to sleep because my mind kept racing, wondering what was going to happen next. Brianna wanted to be with all of us, but what was the next step? How could we all be together?

With a deep breath, I rose from the couch I slept on that night and walked to the kitchen to sit at the dining table where Andre, Mo, Bowen, Emmett, and Erick were already sitting with cups of coffee. After making myself a cup, I leaned against the kitchen counter, waiting for Aziel and Amir to join us before speaking.

“When are they coming by?” I asked.

“Any minute now,” Bowen replied as he checked his tactical watch.

“I don’t know what to say,” Emmett admitted. “I mean, I know what I want, but there are a lot of moving pieces in this scenario. Location, our jobs, and all of that.”

I sighed as I nodded in agreement. The logistics of it all was the hard part, but if anyone could figure out a tough situation, it was all of us. We dealt with danger, destruction, and doom so much that I believed we could work this out, especially since it was so personal.

“What if we can’t make it work? Even if we want this more than anything else?” I asked with worry glinting in my eyes.

Tense silence flooded the room for a few seconds as everyone let my words soak in. Love failed in so many instances because it wasn’t enough to keep people together. So many other factors ruined a relationship, and what if we couldn’t overcome those?

“There are some things that’ll be out of our control. Future missions. Telling other people we care about,” Andre pointed out.

My stomach churned with anxiety as I pictured all of those future scenarios. Pain was a part of love, but the question was… was it worth it? I already knew my answer.

“Regardless, I’m going to fight for what I want,” Amir replied as his eyes swept around the room. “What about you guys?”

It didn’t take long for nods to fill the room. Doubt still lingered, but it wasn’t the strongest emotion in the room. When it came to Brianna, it would never overtake the care that we felt for her and the hope that we harnessed for the future.

“The ball will be in their court,” Mo said. “It’s their marriage they’re allowing us into. We’ll figure out how to properly be one unit.”

We all nodded, staying quiet until there was a knock on the door.

“Got it,” I told them before hopping to my feet and hurrying to the door with a racing heart. I always felt that way when I saw Brianna, and I felt even giddier knowing that she loved all of us too. When I opened the door and saw Brianna and David standing there, I smiled and stepped to the side. “Come in. Thanks for letting us stay here.”

“It’s no problem. Better than having you guys be stuck paying for a hotel,” Brianna pointed out, squeezing my arm before following David into the kitchen where everyone was waiting. She walked around and gave everyone a warm embrace and a kiss on the cheek. “I missed you guys. Even if it was only for a night.”

“That’s still too long,” Amir assured her with a charming grin that made the rest of us chuckle.

David smirked and leaned his back against the doorframe.

“So, obviously, we have a lot to talk about since we didn’t do too much talking yesterday,” he said, prompting a few of us to share coy looks. “We have a great thing going, but some of you live an hour to three hours away. Getting all together might be a little tough sometimes.”

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