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With a light tap of my forefinger, I answered the video call and held up my phone so that my face was centered on the screen. I painted on a smile as Ryder and Delilah popped up with joyful looks on their faces.

“Hey, guys!” I greeted them, swallowing down my emotions.

“Hey, how are you doing? It’s been a while!” Ryder asked as Delilah lifted her hand in a friendly wave.

“I’m doing good. David is coming home soon,” I told them with a genuinely excited smile. Just the thought made my heart flutter and my stomach twist with yearning. The house would be filled with noise again! His deep voice. His favorite old rock music. Our laughter.

“That’s great! I know you miss him,” Delilah said with a sympathetic look.

More and more with each passing day.

“But how are you guys doing? Delilah, are you doing okay?” I asked. She had to be quite a way into her pregnancy at this point, and I couldn’t be happier that Delilah, Ryder, and the other guys were going to be parents.

It was crazy for me to find out that my brother and his bandmates were in a relationship with one woman, but Delilah was such a gift and a wonderful addition to the family. I hadn’t ever seen Ryder so happy before, and Delilah was swarmed with so much love that she deserved. She would need every bit of support when the baby arrived.

“I’m so tired and hungry all the time,” Delilah laughed as she shared an amused smile with Ryder. “Thank goodness I always have someone around to get me all of my weird cravings. I was dying for a salted caramel milkshake last night.”

“By the way, that’s really hard to find around here,” Ryder said with a chuckle. He then pecked Delilah on the cheek. “But I would’ve gone over to the next town for it.”

I watched them exchange a loving look with each other, and nothing could stop the tidal wave of loneliness that crashed down on me at that moment. It was so strong that it sucked the air right out of my lungs, making my throat tighten like a crushed can. My sadness and longing were quickly followed by a strike of guilt because I should’ve just been focused on being happy for my brother and his growing family.

But I couldn’t completely ignore the fact that I was jealous and wished that David was as attentive as Ryder. Maybe that wasn’t fair since David was working, but that didn’t change the fact that he was always gone.

“I’m having a baby shower in a few months, and I’d love for you to be there!” Delilah told me, snapping me out of my downward spiral.

“Of course,” I said as I smiled at her. I was over the moon for them, and maybe things between me and David would be better by then. Maybe he would even be home then so that he could visit as well, but I had learned at this point not to get my hopes up.

David’s work was unpredictable, and he couldn’t say no when his superior gave him orders. Even if he wanted to stay with me, he couldn’t. I was so happy that he was coming back home soon, but it was only a matter of time before he was sent away for another few months.

I just didn’t know how many more missions our marriage could sustain before falling apart.

Chapter 2


Home sweet home.

As I walked down the boarding bridge off the plane, an odd feeling stirred in my stomach. I was so used to being in the thick of combat or surrounded by my unit in a foreign country that it felt weird being back home. Not in a bad way. I had just been gone that long.

With my duffel bag hanging on my shoulder, I ventured to the entrance and exit area of the airport, passing by reuniting families and long-distance lovers and friends. My heart jolted at the sight of my beautiful wife as she lifted her hand to catch my attention.

We had been together forever, but she looked more and more beautiful every single time I came back home to her. She wore a light blue maxi dress with long sleeves and white ankle boots, bringing out her perfect curves and complimenting the wavy strands of her light brown hair. She looked perfect.

But she also looked… sad.

“I missed you,” I told her once I reached her, setting my duffel bag down so that I could wrap my arms around her.

Brianna leaned against my chest, but she felt stiff. She didn’t bury her face into my shirt or grip it in handfuls like she used to when I returned home.

“I missed you too,” she said, giving me a light squeeze before we broke apart. She looked up at me, seeming deflated. “I think this was the longest you’ve been gone.”

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