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Andre was a goner soon after. He dove his fingers into her hair and thrusted in and out of her mouth over and over as deep as he wanted until he came with a grunt.

I breathed in deeply as I kept rocking into her, feeling her core tense as she approached her own orgasm. I was right there with her, a heated haze swirling in my head.

“You did so good. Let me reward you,” I told her before pressing my thumb against her clit.

Brianna jolted from the sensitivity, but she soon tensed, focusing on the orgasm that was right on the horizon.

“Oh!” Brianna gasped once it hit her, making her head fall back.

I gritted my teeth as I slammed home, spilling inside of her as she still shuddered. My head felt light, making me settle back on my knees as she collapsed back between Andre and Mo, who each shared a brief kiss with her.

This arrangement felt too good to be true, but it was our reality. It was working even better than expected. But what came next after our mission ended?

Could we really go back to how things used to be?

Chapter 19


After Mo and Andre left the bedroom, I turned to Brianna as she sat up and fanned herself, cooling down from the intensity of our heated night. A pleased smile crossed my face as I admired the messiness of her hair and the pink blush on her cheeks. She looked so beautiful like this that I couldn’t even find words to properly explain it.

“Did you have a good time?” I asked as I reached out to rub her thigh.

Brianna smiled back and nodded.

“I’m glad you joined in,” she told me. “Being with the others is really nice, but even the sex that you and I have been having has been so intense since we got here.”

“In a good way?” I asked with a teasing tone.

Brianna laughed as she brushed her hair away from her face.

“A very good way,” she assured me.

I chuckled as a spark of heat lit up in my chest. I was glad to know that she was having a good time with everyone, including me. Our connection really had deepened.

“You know, I’ve actually picked up some tips and tricks from watching you,” I told her before leaning close to her ear. “I can’t wait to try them out.”

A playful squeal left her when I teasingly nipped her ear. Her soft laughter rang in my ears as we lightly grappled before holding each other with sweet smiles on our faces.

“As long as I’m with you, I’m down for anything,” Brianna said as she nuzzled her face against mine.

I smiled as I leaned my head against hers, able to hear the pure love in her voice. We had overcome so much together from the start, but there was more obstacles to come. More things that we needed to talk about. With how things were progressing, it was probably time to have another conversation about what we were doing.

“How do you see our marriage? After we’ve done all of this?” I asked her, wanting her honest opinion.

Brianna’s face straightened when she realized that our conversation had taken a serious turn. She sat up straighter and crossed her legs.

“I think our marriage is stronger than before. We communicate more. We spend more time together,” Brianna replied. “It’s what I’ve wanted for a while now. Granted, I didn’t expect this arrangement to be a way to solve that, but… I’m grateful for it. I’m grateful for you and how you gave this a chance.”

My heart ached as I took her hand.

“I want you to be happy,” I told her. “I’m happy when you’re happy, and I can tell you really like being with the others.”

Brianna looked away for a moment, biting into her bottom lip as her brow furrowed in thought.

“What is it? You can tell me,” I encouraged her, knowing that something heavy was on her mind.

Brianna sighed and brought her eyes back to mine.

“Would you still feel the same way if I told you that I don’t just like the guys for the sex? I like them beyond that,” she admitted before shrinking back a little like she was preparing for me to be upset.

My face softened as I squeezed her hand.

“You have feelings for them?” I asked.

Brianna swallowed hard.

“Maybe. I don’t just like having sex with them. I like… being around them. Listening to them talk. Making breakfast with them,” she told me before shaking her head. “It feels wrong just saying that.”

I sat up more and cupped her face in my hands, drawing her worried eyes to mine.

“You shouldn’t feel guilty. I’m not upset,” I promised her.

I couldn’t help but feel a little jolt of surprise when those words left me. I probably should’ve been jealous of my wife developing feelings for other guys, but all I saw when she was with them was happiness. My wife soaked in the adoration that she deserved, and my brothers were happier and more comfortable than I had ever seen them before.

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