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“Of course. To how amazing you were last night,” Amir murmured near my ear before clinking his glass against mine.

Erick sat on my right, while Aziel and Emmett sat on the floor in front of the couch. He leaned closer to Amir and me.

“So, what exactly happened last night? Heard some interesting noises,” he commented as he glanced between us.

“You probably won’t believe it,” Aziel spoke up, earning a perplexed look from Emmett.

I smiled to myself, pitching a look over my shoulder to briefly meet David’s eyes as he watched the scene. He didn’t even have to say anything. I could see the desire in his eyes, which spurred me a little until I hit the usual wall of doubt.

Should I really be boasting that I slept with someone other than my husband? What if they saw me in a bad light?

Amir gave my thigh a squeeze, drawing me out of my troubling thoughts.

“I barely believe it myself, and it happened to me,” he chuckled. “Want to make them jealous, sweetheart?”

I could feel everyone’s eyes on me, and I could feel the tension and curiosity radiating off them. I couldn’t deny them any longer, prompting me to rest my hand on the back of Amir’s neck.

“David brought me a present last night. Two presents,” I said as I smiled at Aziel, my doubt melting from a flare of confidence that only David and these men could get out of me.

“You’re fucking with us,” Erick replied, his tone laced with disbelief.

Aziel shook his head.

“We were getting ready for bed one minute, and the next minute, David was telling us to wait outside his bedroom,” he said. “Then, we were invited inside.”

“The rest is history,” Amir finished with a chuckle.

“You can’t leave it off there. What happened next?” Emmett asked before taking a sip of his tequila.

I felt Amir’s arm wind around my waist, drawing me closer to him as we shared an amused look. It was fun teasing the others, especially while David was watching and yearning for a show.

“A lot happened,” I replied.

Erick suddenly placed his hand on my thigh, his touch seeming to burn right through my black leggings.

“I’m sure you can give us more than that,” he said, raising his eyebrows a little.

At this point, I was getting greedy. I had such a great time with Aziel and Amir, but the thought of being with another set of triplets made my heart race. They all were alluring to me in their own ways, spinning me deeper and deeper into their web.

But I still couldn’t believe what already happened. How could I live out more than one fantasy?

My eyes flickered between Aziel and Amir as I became lost for words, my cheeks starting to burn. Living out a fantasy was one thing, but describing it to two other men I also had fantasies about was a whole other nerve-wracking thing.

What if they became uninterested? What if I wasn’t as good as they thought I would be? The tidal wave of self-doubt that continuously tried to drown me couldn’t be fully stopped yet.

“We’re not spilling our trade secrets,” Amir chuckled, the sound of his laughter starting to soothe the tension that I felt. “All you need to know is that we had a hell of a good time, and you missed out.”

“Maybe not for long,” Emmett replied as he raised an eyebrow in a determined manner.

Erick smirked and nodded in agreement.

“You should know that the Atkins triplets are competitive as hell,” Aziel said with a light laugh as he nudged Emmett.

“No one needs to compete,” I assured them all. The last thing I wanted was to create a rift between all of them when they were such great friends. Besides, flirting and messing around was different from actually acting on words. Even if the other triplets were flirting, that didn’t mean they were actually going to show up at our bedroom door.

I couldn’t help but want them to, but I was far too nervous to say that out loud to their faces. I also still felt a small spike of guilt for wanting other men to come into my bedroom. I didn’t want to become a cheater, even if David was totally fine with all of this. I just didn’t want things to fall apart and for our marriage to suffer because of my desire for these men.

“Good luck telling them that,” Amir replied.

Erick and Emmett got to their feet, peering down at me in a manner that made my heart flutter.

“We’re always up for a little competition,” Erick told me, reaching down to give my knee a squeeze before walking off with Emmett.

Were they really?

My eyes trailed over to David out of instinct, wondering if he saw our flirty interaction. Telling from the subtle smile on his face, he did, which made my chest tighten. I didn’t have the courage to put things in motion, but he did.

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